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Buda5 Mission Collection

Here is a new version that includes the v1.2 director war, a slightly improved escort and gallery with the latest ships added in it.


The ship pack checker was changed to match the new ship pack. i.e. titled "" instead of "Buda5 ship pack".

Roi: I thought we might add the "another" mission into the collection as well. Since it doesn't have a gui interface it should be fairly easy to modify to be launched from the main menu. I hope.:o


  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Re: Buda5 Mission Collection

    Thx for the new files.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]Roi: I thought we might add the "another" mission into the collection as well. Since it doesn't have a gui interface it should be fairly easy to modify to be launched from the main menu. I hope.:o [/B][/QUOTE]
    Yes it is fairly to add the mission although it has no Gui. But how you wanna call the mission?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    "Omega Patrol" should be fine.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Btw, I just recently added objectives into the mission and made some tweaks. Hope you didn't start fitting it into the collection yet. In fact, perhaps I should do that since you've been busy with your studies?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]In fact, perhaps I should do that since you've been busy with your studies? [/B][/QUOTE]
    Thx for the offer Indie, but that I can do fast ... faster as if I would explain it to you how you can simply make it :) . Is the updated version already uploaded on the server?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    It is now: [URL][/URL].

    You should include the old skirmish battle music in the collection since this mission uses it.
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]You should include the old skirmish battle music in the collection since this mission uses it. [/B][/QUOTE]
    All right! :)
  • Updated Mission Collection

    [*][b][i]Omega patrol[/i] included.[/b]
    Comments:[list=A][*]The Raiders hiding in the Asteroid field should disappear earlier.[*]Select the next nav point automatically in the Contact list.[*]Delete not needed nav points (for example the Distress nav point after I destroyed the Raiders there).[*]The text for the mission objectives doesn't work. Maybe it's in the wrong folder(?)[/list]

    [*][b]GUI Changes:[/b] [list=A][*]Director War: Added Button Texture and fitted the font of the option buttons.[*]Escort Mission: Added Button Texture and changed the csv Link for the Start mission button (refer to the [i]PS[/i] below).[/list]

    [*][b]Included a first part of my mission[/b]
    Plz post your opinion to the intro during the loading of the ships (the sounds). This is only the beginning of the mission and the texts/names are still temporary and not fitted completely (so there won't be an artifact in the final). The questions I have are:

    [list=1][*]In what year the explorer campaign plays?[*]What's the name of the escorting Omega? (I called it Leif Eriksson for now)[*]How we call the Squadron of the Omega?[*]What's the name of the Squad Leader of the Omega?[/list]

    Logic, if you play it, choose the "Hard" option ;) .

    Logic, are you still planning to include a trailer for the Explorer Campaign?

    PS: Indie, please don't use the same *.csv keys for different buttons also if they are in different csv files. If both files are loaded the game becomes confused. (like it was in the case with DirWar and Escort. I changed it.)

    PPS: Since I had the in my mods folder (instead of the Buda5 Ship Pack) I have to replace the flux.ini in the game folder with a backup of the flux.ini that it works. B/c everytime I launched the game and started the SkGen package then the next time I try to start the game it didn't started.

  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    downloading now :) also roi, if u need music or sounds, get the newest Ingame (i'll upload later today) and it has all new music. (very good music too)
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Looking good. I guess we could release it pretty soon.

    Btw, the objectives work for me just fine. Perhaps they need to be unzipped in order to work (I still have one in the resources/text folder). If so, thats not good.:(
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Confirmed: The objectives don't work within a mod. They need to actually be in the resources folder. Now what?
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Just add in the .ini file that they have to be extracted would probably be easiest, a more complicated approach being some kind of installer (though that is probably OTT for a couple of files) :)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    so what that means u have to unzip it to the mods folder?

    EDIT: i can't get the collection to start, no matter what i do it says i don't have the buda 5 ship pack (which i do).
  • Ship Pack

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]so what that means u have to unzip it to the mods folder?[/B][/QUOTE]
    Yes, you have to unzip the Mission Collection so the music works ([i]mods/Buda5_SkGen/[/i]).
    EDIT: i can't get the collection to start, no matter what i do it says i don't have the buda 5 ship pack (which i do). [/B][/QUOTE]
    Download the [url=]newest version[/url] of the Ship Pack. Then it works. (b/c Indie has renamed it to Buda5_ship_pack so the old version won't work with it).
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    i have the newest version... it still doesn't work.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]i have the newest version... it still doesn't work. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Okay, b/c it doesn't work for you either try to rename the [i][/i] into [i]Buda5_[b]s[/b]hip_[b]p[/b][/i] and make sure the ini file in the package has the same name (including the small letters). Maybe that works.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Fixed the objectives bug, I think:

    Roi, add this into the mission script next to where it loads the other text file: Text.Add( "csv:/TEXT/objectives" );

    And then change the name of the 'text' folder from text to TEXT. Don't ask why, but it works. *adds this to the neverending list of EOC oddities*

    Since the campaign is still somewhat vague at this point I don't know if the details matter so much at this point. Its just a teaser after all. I guess the campaign starts late 2259 and ends 2260.

    I'll look into making the improvements you mentioned.
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    Re: Updated Mission Collection

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
    [B]Logic, are you still planning to include a trailer for the Explorer Campaign?[/B][/QUOTE]

    i'm sorry! i completely forgot to answer this... yes i'd like to.. BUT it could take.... a month to make... so probably not WITH ingame, but on it's own....
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]Roi, add this into the mission script next to where it loads the other text file: Text.Add( "csv:/TEXT/objectives" );

    And then change the name of the 'text' folder from text to TEXT. Don't ask why, but it works. *adds this to the neverending list of EOC oddities*[/B][/QUOTE]
    I've changed this. Hope, the other scenarios would still work now w/o a change. (no time to test :/ )

    btw, I made the improments I mentioned .. had some time at that moment to do that ;)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]i'm sorry! i completely forgot to answer this... yes i'd like to.. BUT it could take.... a month to make... so probably not WITH ingame, but on it's own....[/B][/QUOTE]
    NP, b/c my mission still needs much time ;) .
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I don't know why exactly there is difference between text and TEXT folders but it might have something to do with fact that text folder is in I-War2 root and TEXT is in resource subfolder. I'm quite sure that resource\TEXT came with update when also mod support was added.

    Normally in scenarios you have to load TEXT/objectives.csv in every scenario but I think it would be best in campaign that we have one objectives.csv which contains every mission's objective keys and is loaded in campaign interface.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]Normally in scenarios you have to load TEXT/objectives.csv in every scenario but I think it would be best in campaign that we have one objectives.csv which contains every mission's objective keys and is loaded in campaign interface. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Okay, let's do it so :) .

    Logic, works the Collection for ya now?
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    ok, finally got it working... comments:

    WOW! great work u guys! :) 100% better than the previous versions! everything seemed to work and work seemlessly for the first time. i was very impressed.

    But (and there's always a but isn't there? LOL) i did note a *few* things... and actually, indie, most of them had to do with the ship pack. :( i'll point out what i noticed... A LOT of the sounds aren't correct. and that's probably partially my fault... for naming sounds the same thing in different ship releases but having them actually BE DIFFERENT sounds... perhaps we should go over this toghether... cause some are very wrong. same with weapons bolts unfortunatly.. b/c the same problem applies... we're going to have to add something to the end of identical names so they they are distinguished (this also means changing all the ini file pathes...) but it needs to be done. Also, i noted that some ships are not the most recent versions. namely the thunderbolt in the omega mission, as well as the god platform and a few others... again we probably need to get together on this one to hash out which are the most recent, etc.. etc...

    on the explorer mission.. i got vaporized be4 i was even put in my cockpit... every time i started :(

    But again, all the missions were just wonderful.. i was glad to see we have music! and weapons grouped together! like i said, 100% improved over the previous versions. i think between the mission collection and InGame, we're really gonna BLOW some people away with the progress :).
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Yeah, I've noticed that there are often overlapping filenames in weapons and I've fixed them when I've found any. I also completely separated weapons systems in AI and player ships. I didn't realize that the sounds were also problematic. Its hard to keep track of everything with so many ships in the pack. We really should go through them.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Roi, do you have anything to add or should we just release it now?
  • Oh heck, didn't checked that Logic posted here ... so

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]on the explorer mission.. i got vaporized be4 i was even put in my cockpit... every time i started :([/B][/QUOTE]
    The others, do you have the same prob? I don't have it.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]Roi, do you have anything to add or should we just release it now?[/B][/QUOTE]
    My mission needs correct texts and some coding.
    So, the name of the Omega is
    "Leif Eriksson"
    the name of the pilot the player plays (Squad leader of the Omega StarFury and Thunderbolt fighters) is
    "Ludwig Flint".

    The Omega comes from the outer rim (sent back after the attack of the Centauri to call reinforcements), is attacked by Centauri cap ships and will be destroyed. Player escapes, will be attacked by Centauri, Narn and EA fighter waves.
    Player asks himself why all of them tries to intercept him ... the shadows "convinced" them with spies that the Omega is an enemy or something like that ?!? ... or maybe with the help of a piece from the artifact.

    So he never reaches Bab5 b/c a shadow Battlecrab intercepts and captures him.
    (I don't have time to make the system where the Bab5 station is in, so this should be an easy alternative - also he shouldn't reach Bab5 so the explorer "fleet" gets no external support during the campaign and the EA doesn't got to know from the centauri raid, ...).

    Furthermore, I wanted to add a score system that the player has the motivation to replay the mission.

    PS: The custom Cam settings only works if we update the flux.ini. I haven't time to write a setup.exe that only replaced these CAM settings keys :/ .
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Edit: False alarm

    I just realised a potential problem: I uploaded the new ship pack into the mods folder expecting the collection to be released within a week. Well, the new pack has a different name than the old one -> the cristmas mission collection doesn't work with it without editing the name.

    We'll have to drop your mission from the collection and release it later or leave the current cristmas version in. Unless you can have it ready in the next two days or so?

    Edit: False alarm! The x-mas collection doesn't have the file checker so it won't cause problems. :) Still, I think we should release it before it becomes another christmas pack. ;)
  • Re: Edit: False alarm

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]We'll have to drop your mission from the collection and release it later or leave the current cristmas version in. Unless you can have it ready in the next two days or so?[/B][/QUOTE]
    K, Indie release it before plz. You're right, I won't get ready the mission this week. But please let me know when you have the newest versions of DirWar, Gallery and so on ready.
    I would like to take a final look on the SkGen package, all GUI's and Mission Intros before releasing the new Collection. Okay? :)
  • sorry i haven't been keeping up with the MC like i should have, ingame's taken a lot of time... is there anything u guys need the modeling dept to do?

    is there a working BETA for the new mission collection? (i mean an updated one, i know one was released to us a few weeks ago)

    @indie... would u like to get in a chat some time soon to go over the ship pack and work out the bugs?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Logic - yeah. Sometime this weekend would be great.

    The working beta would be the one I have in my computer. I haven't uploaded it yet, but its practically the same thing. However, I do believe I fixed the problem with skirmish and it seems to be workin fine now. Of course, its way out of date now and the list of ships is very limited.
  • hmmm.... since i know very little about pog, this may be a stupid question... but i'm guessing it's very difficult, or perhaps just tedious and time consuming, to add more ships, or account for the use of more ships?

    @ship pack.. what time is good for you?
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Adding new ships to skirmish isn't too hard, it takes some time but not that much when I can get my ass to start it. Still I'm not adding new ships before skirmish is working completely. I have updated versions of the missions, not much changed because I just tried to look what was wrong.
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