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Explorer campaign mission sketch



  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]constructed organic like the vorlons.. or pure lifeform organic like shadows? i'm leaning toward semi constructed.... [/B][/QUOTE]
    me too ... more like the vorlons
  • Logic: Could you make a starfury with missles? It would have use in explorer campaign...
  • There will be also Icarus class scout ship in the explorer campaing. P3k said that he could do this ship...
  • icarus class is already done. i've had it for quite some time. :)
  • any changes you would like give it to me too...?please:rolleyes: What about starfury with missles?I don't know does it have that big of role in the campaing but since it's the explorer campaign, i think would be pretty cool to show some rarely seen ea tech
  • Mission 4: Asteroid field

    B/c Psiqx hadn't the time to post here I'll do it for him. I've chat with him some days ago about the first missions of the explorer campaign. Here you get a general overview about our ideas:

    [b]Mission 4: Asteroid field[/b]

    Part 1: -Scouting Mission-
    Detect interesting Asteroid field.. send out scouting party (player piloting a Fury).. Has to navigate thru dangerous zones.. either Radiation.. or extremely dense asteroid/particles - very deadly... do scans of asteroids.... return to base

    Part 2: -Rescue Mission-
    Landing party sent to investigate an asteroid found in previous mission... landing party gets into trouble and asks for emergency extraction... player flies rescue mission (piloting a Shuttle) ... dodging asteroids with wingman

    -> in the 2nd part player gets a command over some Fighters at the final part of this mission... due to the fact that the player knows the asteroid field the best from the Part 1 since he explored that part of the asteroid field where "our" asteroid lies
    so the "growing" of the player during the campaign makes his first step (short command during a mission)

    So in this missions we have no standard enemies like ships. I think it should be doable with POG, we had already some ideas how to realize this.

    Furthermore the landing party could have found a key item on the asteroid.

    Do you agree? Can I update the Mission Sketch?
  • I think this is a good idea. There isn't any enemy ships and that kind of missions we would need in campaing.

    @Roi, I'll start planning the events for the missions I sent to you via email
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Sounds good.

    The flux.ini has to be updated to make collission more dangerous, but we are going to do that anyway. Currently small craft just bounce off if you hit anything.
  • @Indie, what the hell I'm doing wrong when I enter from normal space to hyperspace nebula and the nebula itself is missing...and all the beacons are in same point...Shouldn't it load the excisting hyperspace nebula and the beacons places?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    The nebula isn't a part of the hyperspace system. Its an object you must place near the ship. By default, the hyperspace system is just an empty system with a lot of lagrange points. You must place the hyperspace object and randomly replace the l-points around the ship. See the source code for the clustertest.

    The source was included, I hope?
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]The source was included, I hope? [/B][/QUOTE]
    Negativ, it isn't in the Archiv.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    K. Here.
  • This is an alpha version but here is basicly almost everything what happens in this mission. and I would really like to get some sort of explenation why the ships that are launched from capitals just go forward...some missions they do as they are ordered but most of the time they do like they do in this mission
  • Forgot the source...
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I just quickly looked at your source. You use way old jumping function. New Buda package files in attachment (FreeJump is WIP so don't use it, it won't work. And I commented the code so it's not in compiled .pkg file). Because of my dad's birthday party I don't have time to test your mission but basically when you launch ships from capital they are supposed to go forward without AI so they come out from launch bay. Then AI is enabled (in the launch task so you don't have to do it yourself) and you can command them. Just don't give orders when they are still launching because they are in FreeWithoutPilot mode. Secondly you used OmegaLaunch to launch centauri ships. As the function name tells it's made to use with Omega. If other capital's launch bay is elsewhere than Omega's and you use that function then fighters come through capital hull, not from launch bay so be carefull with that. Other capitals need their own launch function. And you don't have to copy paste launch task to your own mission because you can start it from buda package with [i]start Buda.OmegaLaunch(....);[/i]
  • Just a little status report from this front...
    The outpost mission is almost ready. Just a little fine tuning and some other small fixing left. I haven't done conversations cause...well, i suck on these things:D

    Also, I was planning to make some kind of training mission after outpost mission. There would be some kind of training about first contact situations...That would be also a good spot to introduct some characters.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]Just a little status report from this front...[/B][/QUOTE] Nice to know that still someone works active on the progress of Buda5 currently :) .
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