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I've been trying to find tutorials for programming from internet but I can't find anything useful so I was wondering if you could help me.what do I need to learn before I can start making mission to EOC.

I'd be very interested to participate making b5 stuff but I only programming language that I can handle is HTML and I haven't used that in a while so if you guys can help i'd be more than thankful


  • IndieIndie Moderator
    First you should download the SDK and look at the POG documentation. Personally, I learn from examples best so I recommend looking at the mission samples. We have a couple of Buda5 test scenarios that might be more clear since they contain less code. Perhaps I can find some...
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    To create missions you need the [url=]EOC Pog Scripting SDK[/url]. Have a look at the readme file and the reference to learn how to manage with pog. The examples are quite helpful, but for the beginning I recommend to have a look at the files in the source folder of our mission packets ([url=]Our Site[/url], then navigate to Downloads).

    Edit: Hehe, this time Indie was faster ;) .
  • can I do scripts with wordpad or do I need something else?sorry about all of my stupid questons but I really don´t understand anything about programming.I already have Pog scripting SDK and I have taken more than just one look to it but I just don´t get it.
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]can I do scripts with wordpad or do I need something else?sorry about all of my stupid questons but I really don´t understand anything about programming.I already have Pog scripting SDK and I have taken more than just one look to it but I just don´t get it. [/B][/QUOTE]
    You can write scripts with a normal texteditor. I'm using []Textpad[/url] b/c there I can define pog files as C/C++ files so the tags are coloured different than the other text so I have a better overview about the source code and so the programming is easier.
    After you've written a code you must compile it with the pc.exe delivered in the SDK. For "How to do that" refer to the SDK Help file.

    Hey, no problem about your questioning! Among others this forum exists for asking your questions ;) .
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Yes, and it would be great if there were more people scripting missions so we are happy to help. More Buda5 for everyone! :)
  • thx for your help!INow I'm a little wiser about these things...I'm using Buda5 Test as an example cause it seems pretty simple.Now The only problem seems to be the content of Buda5 Test.I only know what the audio folder is but the rest is if somebody could explain what the avatars and etc means and what they do I could advance to the next level and I might manage on my own...for a while
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    In our mods are only folders we have files in. If you want to see what kind of folders there are unzip which is in your I-war 2 root folder. Unzip it to same folder using pathnames (so it extracts folders too).

    [i]audio[/i] - weapon effects and other audio files. If you don't hear music then mod needs to be unzipped. I just noticed that our music is in audio/music and I-War 2 music is in streams/audio/music.

    [i]avatars[/i] - ship models

    [i]bin[/i] - .dlls. You need to copy pc.exe and compiler.dll to here to compile pog sources. At least I remember reading it in pog sdk but I'm not sure really. At least those two files need to be in same folder. Then you need to make bat file or use the one provided with sdk but you need to edit it and change pathnames there.

    [i]fields[/i] - Never changed anything here but seemed to be couple ini files to asteroid fields.

    [i]collisionhulls[/i] - model around actual ship model where collision happens. They are much less detailed than ship models (I assume but I'm not modeler).

    [i]configs[/i] - Joystic and keyboard config files

    [i]fonts[/i] - Should be obvious. I-War 2 fonts.

    [i]forcefeedback[/i] - If you have joystic which supports force...

    [i]geog[/i] - Ini files to clusters and solar systems.

    [i]html[/i] - emails ingame for example are written in html form.

    [i]images[/i] - background, gui, sfx etc images

    [i]include[/i] - pog header files (*.h) which are needed to compile pog sources (*.pog). Optional but makes things easier for other scripters.

    [i]loadouts[/i] - You remember in I-War 2 that you can choose loadout like assault which selects best equipment for you to selected task.

    [i]models[/i] - Seems to be nebula and maybe star models to me.

    [i]mods[/i] - Here you place your mod and scenario files. You need updated I-War 2.

    [i]multiplayer[/i] - Seems to be multiplayer maps but I never played EoC in multiplayer so I don't know more about it.

    [i]packages[/i] - compiled pog packages (*.pkg)

    [i]resource[/i] - I'm not sure but EoC update files could be there.

    [i]saves[/i] - obvious

    [i]sfx[/i] - Never looked at it but seems to be lightwave setups for weapon/explosion sfx and some ini files.

    [i]sims[/i] - Ini files for sims. Sims are mostly ships and stations etc.

    [i]streams[/i] - audio files.

    [i]subsims[/i] - ini files for subsims (weapons and other systems like cpu heatsinks etc).

    [i]text[/i] - You should read pog sdk to fully understand these. Basically you can have string in pog like Buda5_Campaign_Title and then ingame it's changed to actual text which is defined in *.csv files (in text folder).

    As a scripter you mostly need sims, subsims, packages, text and audio folders. Probably forgot some...
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    Warlord gave u pretty much everything u need to know. Unless you're a modeler u should stick clear of the avatars and collisionhulls folders. And i wouldn't go changeing existion things in the sims or subsims folders either. Include and Packages are strictly scripting territory.
  • Think I got it now...thanks to all! if I'm having problems I'll come here to ask help but now I'm trying to manage on my own and if you wait patiently about 100 years I might have something for you...
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    You should probably start out slow - change an omega destroyer into something else then see if it works, etc.
  • I got the hang of this!!!I can't do very complicated things yet but since I have the enthusiam I bet I learn pretty fast...I know that this might come too soon but is Logic doing the shadow planet killer?I would have some use with it.Since I'm at the beginning I've got time to wait...
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    @ Aurora: LOL shadow planet killer!? do u know how big that thing is? LOL EOC doesn't like emensely huge models... plus it would just be... WAY to many polygons.... either that or it would be all fog... and i don't do fog.. scripters do fog... LOL and i don't even know if u can make moveable fog that big.

    @Indie: Eh?? change an omega?? what'cha talking about?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    By changing an omega I meant changing this:

    omega = iShip.Create("ini:/sims/ships/ea/ea_omega", "Omega Class Destroyer");

    into this:

    omega = iShip.Create( "ini:/sims/ships/ea/ea_hyperion", "Hyperion" );
  • I just got the idea when read from buda 5 site that shadow death cloud might be possible with EOC...and it would be a challenge to do that thing!
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    A Stationary death cloud when deployed could be possible I suppose, but as Logic says the poly count would be through the roof.
  • My plan would need a moving one but if it doesn't work then I just have to leave my plan...damn...

    since I now understand programming much better you guys could send me something simple stuff which doesn't have too many problems so I can start studying how things work.I got no life and lots of spare time so if you give me stuff which I can use for learning I'm gonna be ready for the real stuff in no time:D
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    XMas Source? & Buda5Gui

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]I got no life and lots of spare time so if you give me stuff which I can use for learning I'm gonna be ready for the real stuff in no time:D [/B][/QUOTE]
    That people we need ;) :D . If in the XMas Packet the source folder is included (I don't remember if I removed it in the public version) you can learn how complex scenarios works, including schedules, director mode and screens made with GUI.

    If I have time between my exams (they last until August 12th :angryv: ) I'll upload and will make public my [i]Buda5GUI package[/i]. With that you can create custom screens easier & faster (fitting to the Buda5 style).
  • thx!
    does anyone have include folder to buda5 test?it really might be very useful to me cause it seems pretty simple so I could start with that...

    does that new B-5 have a defence grid?

    it looks quite cool actually!I just cannot understand how the hell you can make so f**king cool models!
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I might have said a little wrong earlier. You can compile buda5 test mission and it should make you a header file to directory you define (in .bat file) but in some cases it does it wrong so you have to edit it. So at least in developer releases of your mission put your header with it and others have no problems compiling.

    If your pog script exports (so other scripts can use exported fuction) a task function then pog compiler does header wrong.

    [code]Pog package name is Buda and you export task:
    provides TestTask;

    Then compiler makes header and there is line:
    prototype Buda.TestTask();

    Line should be (because it's task function):
    prototype task Buda.TestTask();[/code]
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]does that new B-5 have a defence grid?

    it looks quite cool actually!I just cannot understand how the hell you can make so f**king cool models! [/B][/QUOTE]

    in short order, no.... there were problems when tried.. maybe nex time round tho.

    How? cause i'm good ;)
  • I have now done a few scenarios but none of those loads the mission and then it just shows cockpit in some weird way.I also tried to make those scenarios work with single ships but when I don't select the ship packet in extras menu it doesn't show even that cockpit.So once again if somebody could help a little...
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    one of our scripters will have to take this one ;)
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]I have now done a few scenarios but none of those loads the mission and then it just shows cockpit in some weird way.I also tried to make those scenarios work with single ships but when I don't select the ship packet in extras menu it doesn't show even that cockpit.So once again if somebody could help a little... [/B][/QUOTE]

    There are several things that could be wrong. First I'd check the starting location. If its not defined properly the game places you at the system center. Since this is usually inside a star the player ship gets destroyed or doesn't appear at all. The result is something similar to what you described.

    Next I'd check the paths to ini files. If there is a typo the game won't find the ship and it won't appear in the game. If its a player ship, well, you won't be playing much.

    Also, don't use the individual ship mods with a mission script. You only need the ship pack and ini files packet. The individual ship mods work generally as player ships in the main EOC campaign and don't work in a custom script properly.

    It would help if you'd post relevant portions of your script here.
  • I'm quite sure that the ships starting locations are correct.but I think there is a problem with loading of ships.Music starts and director mode starts but thats all.

    I had some problems with the viruses so I formatted my hard disk and I don't have those scenarios anymore but I'll start all over again and I'll see what I manage to do and if there is still problems I'll post them here
  • sorry about this false alarm:) I managed to make a working mission (AT LAST!!) it has still few minor problems but nothing what I can't handle.

    So,what are the requirement for membership of buda5?:)

  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    hmmm submit your mission, then they're will be a board review of present (active) buda 5 members... each has one vote.. yea or nea. majority rules.

    lol either that or someone will just say yes or no ;)
  • so should I do a scenario and then send it to someone?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Our doors are always open.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    So,what are the requirement for membership of buda5?:)

    If you can do some scripting and you are interested then I guess thats pretty much it. :) We certainly don't have too many scripters so it would be great to have more. It would be good to see that scenario first so if you could make one post it here or mail it to one of us... :)
  • well, I'm still interested and I'm making a new mission now which might be little too challenging to me:) but if I manage to make it work I'll send information here
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aurora SF [/i]
    [B]well, I'm still interested and I'm making a new mission now which might be little too challenging to me:) but if I manage to make it work I'll send information here
    :robot: [/B][/QUOTE]
    Fine, looking forward to it :) .
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