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Fighter Combat Test Beta ready

MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
Right, after a bit of experimentation and one outright mistake caused by my faulty work, I have a working test for Buda 5 fighter combat.
This is based off the original Buda 5 test, so is limited to T-Bolt vs T-Bolt and Omega action, but I think I've hit the nail on the head with this.
I can't emphasize enough that this is only a beta version though- it can be adapted at will.
Anyways, here's the [url=]link[/url], please try it and get me some feedback so I can perfect it :)

Edit: Forgot to add- you need to go into flux.ini and change the FOV field for icInternalCam from 1.2 to 0.6, otherwise you'll have a very small cockpit in the middle of the screen.


  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    well i don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it didn't work to well over here.

    depending on your speed, the cockpit looked like this:


    and when sitting completely still, it looked like this:


    the whole time if felt...... well like i was staring thru a pair of prescription glasses that weren't right for me... everything was deistorted and made me wanna run away.... i made sure i followed your directions and set everything correctly as well... was this the intended result?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Re: Fighter Combat Test Beta ready

    Ahh! The Claw, now you're bringing your work you began for several month to an end. :)
    I'll test it tomorrow if it works. Do I need only to chance the settings in the Flux.ini like we did before to play with the Cam Settings or have you included something else that's needed for the Cam in the file ?

    Nevertheless Logic, your pics looks really funny ;) .
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    Well, to both solve the problem and answer your question roi, you need to change the icInternalCamera settings to this:

    neck_stiffness = 1.5
    acceleration_stiffness = 0.5
    acceleration_scale = 0.001
    yaw_ratio = 0.05
    pitch_ratio = 0.05
    roll_ratio = 0.05
    lateral_ratio = (-0.01,-0.01,-0.01)
    focal_length = 50
    field_of_view = 0.6

    See how that goes :)
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Good settings!

    Hey hey Ben!
    [SIZE=1](I'm using your real name 'cause I can't choose if I say The Claw or Morte to you ... btw ;) )[/SIZE]

    Your settings are very good for fighter combat! So I could actually "see" the enemy fighters in my Mission ;) .
    Also you don't get the right feeling about distances anymore and the turret disappearing comes more into consideration, it gives more fun by shooting enemy fighters. Also on cap ship fights - as I played Indie's Escort mission - the new settings showed me more of the capitals. The comparison between external view and internal view particularly made the wrong distances clear but it doesn't hurt in dogfighting.

    Good settings, but I wanna test how it's flying around Logic Babylon5 station before I'll hand out my "Fighter Combat Camera certificate" for your settings :D .
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    StarFury vs Omega

    During the testing of Warlords Jumppoint presentation I had to ascertain that the fight vs a capital ship is MUCH MORE IMPRESSIVE with these Cam settings. Though my StarFury only lived for a few minutes I got great sights from the Omega. Also the "close up flying" to the capital, drifting only some meters away from the hull of the Omega was great. Unfortunately I was to slow and the turrets were to close so I had no chance to dodge. :rolleyes:

    Btw, summarizing, you now have the:

    Fighter Combat Camera certificate (from my mission)
    Capital Combat Camera certificate (from Indie's Escort)
    Fighter vs Capital Combat Camera certificate (from Warlord's Jumptests)
    Presentation Camera certificate (Indie's Gallery)

    To get the Full Camera certificate "you still need" the:

    Fighter vs Station Combat Camera certificate (Logic?)

  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    #steps up to the podium# Thank you, thank you. I am pleased to accept these certificates, and would like to thank my cat for walking on my keyboard incessantly and Boo, the miniture giant space hamster for destroying the evil penguin army #get's taken away by men in white coats#
    Thanks extremely for the praise dude, I am glad to see that it works like it should and that you like it's effects.
    All I can say about the distance thing is that I hope that the pilot will adapt to it- it does feel very weird when you start playing it but I've kinda gotten used to it now. Also I can change the external view to reduce the size comparison problems.
    As for the turret disapearance, I will be looking into that as well after my journey around Flux.ini, though I am not too optimistic on that front :(
    I don't really know what you guys should call me- prob sticking with Claw would be best :)
    Anyways, more feedback always welcome, and unless someones got a major problem with the test, I'll call it a Fait d'complis :)
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