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Tinashi Pics

MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
Just thought I'd post a couple of Tinashi pics to show you guys the finished product- I'm hoping to finalise it on the weekend, depending on if my internet connection doesn't get buggy again and if I can get the B5 season 1 DVDs off my mate (this I'm hoping to use to capture the sounds). Anyways, gotta get back to trying to figure out making fighter combat better :)
Ps: Logic don't take offense that I'm doing the sounds myself- I'm only doing this for the practice, and it might not end up working anyway!


  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    how's she coming? how are the weapons? what's her poly count?
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    The models coming on well, thanks for asking :)
    The geometry and exturing is finished, but I might end up doing a little bit of tweaking to both yet.
    As for the weapons, I've got 'em all up and running, just need the SFX which I should be getting in the next couple of days.
    The poly count so far is 2800- but quite amazingly the size of the zip is only 2 mb. This is quite possibly the smallest cap ship I've made!
    Anyways, gotta get back to it (been balancing doing this with doing assignments and personal life, which unfortunatly leaves little time for this or personal life!)
  • LogicSequenceLogicSequence Elite Ranger
    if your worried about MB size, don't use all 512x512 textures, if somethings not going to be seen close up, DON'T worry about texture quality.. use a 256x256 or 128x128 texture. as a rule of thumb i'd say NEVER use 1024x1024 textures on ships...
  • MorteMorte Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]NEVER use 1024x1024 textures on ships... [/B][/QUOTE]
    Heh, tell me about it dude. Even when they work, they tend to make strange things happen, at least on my computer!
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