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  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    Aye, Rob Dougan..

    I thought the music at the Zion party was an excellent choice. Pulsating and feverish, befitting also of the sex scene.

    As far as Neo shutting down the sentinels, my take on the situation was that since Neo had the ability to influence the Matrix itself, and since I figured the sentinels were hooked up to the same core system, that he just did what he did inside the Matrix.

    But damn, how I wish I could see Revolutions already.
  • VladVlad Earthforce Officer
    Thing is, why would the sentinels be hooked up to the same system as the Matrix at all? It's been established that the machines are intelligent and self-aware, not a group mind or anything. Given that the machines can probably create more of their own kind, it'd make more sense for them to just give the sentinels AI of their own, instead of relying on them basically being drones. And even if they WERE just remote controlled drones, we've never been given any indication that they're wired into the Matrix directly, outside of the fact that Agents (which are programs within the Matrix) can order the sentinels to strike.
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WHY [/i]
    [B]actually... I find a good part of the crowd looked rather Maori... [/B][/QUOTE]

    Lol... I found myself wondering nearly the same thing. "Everyone's black in Zion"... ;)

    Anyways... yeah, I too thought that the rave scene was a bit useless in the beginning, and didn't serve any actual purpose. But all in all I thought that there was some "Celebration of flesh" -thing going on. So we're facing extinction by a mechanical species that doesn't have a clue about the joys of flesh, so to speak, so let's have one more big party about the subject which is soon to pass on to oblivion... or something. Why not. :)

    And about the end, I don't think that there's another, upper Matrix involved. That would be too 13th floor:ish. And if there is, I hope the W brothers have enough brains not to go to that in the next Matrix -flick. That's just something that should be left to the viewer, What We Call God Is An Operator -type 'o stuff is exactly the type of material that the viewer should be left to ponder AFTER the movie.

    And about Neo being able to control those sentinels, I think that the combined effect of the consciousness of Smith being present in that one Zionian guy (forgot the name) and the fact that Smith tried to 'Smith' Neo somehow gave him the "understanding" of the machines, enough so to have some level of control over them. If you ask me, this is the subject of the third movie. The Prophecy is far from false, not a lie at all. The thing that nobody understood perfectly is just that it doesn't apply only to the Matrix. In the Matrix the prophecy suits some aspects and fails in others, but the whole scripture can only be interpreted after looking at things happening in both "realms". Ergo, Neo is the Messiah and the prophecy is correct after all, but he's more than just a superhuman anomaly in the Matrix alone, he's some sort semi-god even in the real world.

    So the man can see the code, can alter it, and that's what makes him a dangerous badass in the code itself. In the Matrix, that is. But with a mind that can read, see, crack and alter the code of the world, what makes him different from a program, a machine that's designed to do the same? A machine can tear apart a machine, a program can stop another program. So... what do we have here?

    Everyone told me that the movie sucks, and even if it was nothing but a long special effect on the surface, there are a few pointers for the viewer to munch on afterwards underneath. I liked it. :)
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    In Nature there is a thing that happens when a species feels or thinks it might be close to Death.


    Some creatures also do it for pleasure and stress relief.

    An Oak tree will produce hundreds of accorns soon after a few branches are trimmed...

    You get the idea...

    Maybe that was the message of the Zion party. Zion is close to death with the sentinel attack, if some should survive, their children will continue on with the fight.

  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    I hope there'll at least be a Director's Cut, where they show what happened after all the dancing ;)

    "Let's shake this cave!"
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
  • MTMT Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]stories you have trouble grasping are excellent... weight training for the mind.[/quote]

    Stories you have trouble grasping, maybe (though I wouldn´t know any examples myself). Stories that require a book or director´s commentary to understand, like Eraserhead or something else Avante Garde) no. (Reloaded was neither.)

    [quote]AND NO... understanding does not directly equate to satisfaction. fulfillment or happieness...[/quote]

    I never said it did, or that you said otherwise. But if someone can´t understand a movie, how can they be expected to like it if they´re not just seeing it for the action or whatever.

    [quote]the briefcase in Pulp Fiction was crucial to the story... and yet... no-one knew precisely what it was... it had gold and shiny contents, you knew it was somehow extremely valuable, but nobody knows what the ferk it was...[/quote]

    The briefcase may or may not have been crucial, but its contents were not. No one knows what was inside, and if anyone did, I don´t see how it would´ve had any significant impact on the movie. Gold, shrunken heads, Lucky Charms... How much would it really matter.

    [quote]Same with the actual story in the movie... I dont think anyone, perhaps even the Brothers themselves know precisely how the story goes. ( and by 'brothers' I mean the directors.. NOT Warner Bros incidentally).[/quote]

    Dude, the story was simple to a fault. They spoon fed so much it made me sick.

    [quote]MT dude... go do some serious hard core roleplaying, with paper and dice...[/quote]

  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    I have watched a different trailer for revolutions (which I downloaded off of emule) which seems to hint at the fact that Neo gets to try to save Zion (Even though Zion is destroyed at the end of Reloaded- so I guess he can do something to go back in time???)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Zion is not destroyed.

    All that is destroyed is the battlegroup sent to intercept the sentinels digging into the tunnels.
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    then I was massively confused... So the scan that showed no survivors was only one of the area where they were supposed to ambush the sentinels?? Damn, I feel really stupid now. IT all makes much more sense, hahaha...
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    A lot of people seem to be making that mistake. It really makes the whole damn thing confusing if you think zion is gone already.

    "What neo doesn't know is that Zion is already gone. He's approaching the gate...lets see what happens!"
  • WHYWHY Elite Ranger
    I seem to have noticed that, when talking about Neo's real-world abilities, is the fact that he can see what is happening, and what is going to happen inside the matrix through his dreams (IE: The whole trinity sequence, and the Clonesmith logout scene).

    ALSO, people don't seem to take Neo's (most everyone else's) "holes" and other body modifications into account. Do we even know what most of them (other than the ones we already know, IE: the mind link, and the intravenus... thingie).

    Who knows, maybe there's a device hidden inside him (and everyone else, but he's the only one who can use them due to his.. "Abilities") through he can recieve random transmissions from the matrix and emit transmissions of his own ? (IE: the "Shut the sentinels the hell down" transmission)

    in conclusion.. I'm tired and *REALLY* shouldn't be awake right now....
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Damn thing is too confusing, lol. Ill have to wait for revolutions to come out to get it, I guess (I hope that explains things!!!)

    Anyone heard an ETA on revolutions?
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
    [B]Nov/Dec [/B][/QUOTE]

    I hope it'll be better than the second one....
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    and for those who want real background on the story...

    go get yourself the animated matrix stuff... very helpful in deciphering the movies

    in fact, if you really want to be considered informed you should see them. They tie up alot of loose ends.

    Including the one I've seen touted by several sources, even Scott Kurtz via his PVP comic...

    The machines picked us humans for coppertops over cows or dogs or chickens or any other form of bio-electric energy sources because the machines did, in the beginning feel some sort of moral obligation to thier makers... us. Rather than squash us like maligering cockroaches as we richly deserved according to Matrix lore, they showed some magnamity and instead of erasing us comepletely, put us 'in harness' instead.

    its a shame of course that us humies dont see thier nice zoo as pleasant....
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    One thing about the matrix:

    It's gotta suck beyond words if, in a dream world, you are a hobo, and in the real one, you're a battery for a machine race.

    I mean, If you can't even succeed in a dream, then damn.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    I worry that I will be dissapointed by the final explanation...

  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
    [B]One thing about the matrix:

    It's gotta suck beyond words if, in a dream world, you are a hobo, and in the real one, you're a battery for a machine race.

    I mean, If you can't even succeed in a dream, then damn. [/B][/QUOTE]

    It's one hell of a way to cause the brain and body to produce more energy though...!

    You stay the course of your drudgery life in the Matrix, or, your mind comes to a realization that the Martix isn't real, so you assume that by escaping the Matrix you end up in reality with serious hardship in Zion, which further causes you to rebel and want to make a change, which in the end produces yet more energy to feed the machines.
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios

    Re: AniMatriX:

    My personal favorite was the one about the runner.

    However, I did very much like "Last flight of the Osisirus" as well.

    I do think that the world is ready for more cerebral fiction. It may even be time to release the hounds...

  • JamboJambo Scriptkiddie
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]I worry that I will be dissapointed by the final explanation...

    :alien: [/B][/QUOTE]

    As do I, do I.

    I will say this: While on one side, I think the "multimedia release" they attemped to do with "Reloaded" was the best attempt by Hollywood yet (the ETM Game, Animatrix, and online manga at [url][/url]), on the other side, it dissapoints, because, even though they claim it was engineered not to, the story does "fracture" the message they are attempting to deliver with Reloaded...namely, we're not seeing the whole story unless we sucumb to the marketing machine, and spill out ~$70 for a DVD and a game.

    While I like the DVD, ETM plays like a [i]Max Payne[/i] or [i]Tomb Raider[/i] clone (read as "no, I did not complete the game").

    Unfortunately, tie ins pay too much money for the license...which often leads to the game itself suffering--this is the problem with about 98% of the tie-in games out there.

    I believe that they would have been better served to take that "original" footage, and have Square extend "Last Flight of the Osaris" by about an hour.

    Then just let people play Monolith's "The Matrix Online" in a year. Need bullet time? Get Max Payne for $5.99 in the bargain bin. And, on top of that, it's a better game anyway...


  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jambo [/i]
    [B][URL][/URL] [/B][/QUOTE]

    It's true, he IS the Iraqi information minister ;) lol (kidding)

    Where do you get this stuff, mate?

    Larry or Laura... you, I think they just caught Larry in a "Fashion Emergency Moment" and just freaked :)


  • JamboJambo Scriptkiddie
    Hey! I didnt pass comment, just provided the link.

    Personally I think i would be fantastic if these 'rumors' were true :)
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jambo [/i]
    [B]Hey! I didnt pass comment, just provided the link.

    Personally I think i would be fantastic if these 'rumors' were true :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    Just ribbing you, mate.

    That site is hillarious, btw.

  • JamboJambo Scriptkiddie
    I know! It's the best place to get the real news from, along with the onion of course.
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B]It's true, he IS the Iraqi information minister ;) lol (kidding)

    Where do you get this stuff, mate?

    Larry or Laura... you, I think they just caught Larry in a "Fashion Emergency Moment" and just freaked :)


    -R. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Hey, wait....doesn't he look allot like your avatar in this picture? Maybe [b]he[/b] is the Iraqi information minister!

    [i]*Rick spreads dis-information, grinning madly....[/i] MUAHAHAHAHA.....

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