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Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Ok what do you guys think neo did to stop those sentinals at the end?

and what about that ending? it was AWESOME!!!!!


  • ok, what I want to know is, since Neo chose the left door are all the people connected to the matrix dead?

    Or was the architect just lying to him so he would make the other choice?

    And did you stay after the credits?
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    I dont think they are dead [I]yet[/I] the matrix hasnt shut down yet, I think thats half of the weirdness and such in the last movie.

    The thing I worry about is just what the hell DID Neo do to shut down those sentinels down anyway!? I mean thats some messed up stuff!!
  • Looked like some for of EMP to me.

    Now how he was able to do it is a mystery.

    My current theory is that he gained some sort of power in the real world after Smith tried to copy him. Now if that is true then there are also 2 other humans that have the sam abiliies.
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    Im afraid they are going to start the "whats reality" thing, you know even more then they already have been.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    My theory: They are still in the matrix. and there is another above them.

    First Matrix: Perfect World
    Second Matrix: Lots 'o Chaos
    Third Matrix: The one we know and love.

    They woke up from the Third matrix into the second Matrix, Neo reliazed that. Then there is the Matrix ABOVE them, the PERFECT matrix.

    Thus, Agent Smith was Freed, not from his origenal coding, but into the other matrix(s).

    Of course, this is just a theory.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy

    OK, starts with a bang, good thing. :)

    Now the Bad news. there is a 45 minute segment that is pure and absolute ROT. Neo being treated as the Messiah, and a 15 minute long Orgy, neither provides ANYTHING AT ALL to the story!

    Then the movie takes off, neo fighting 100 Agent Smiths, good fight. :) More action, good solid fun. Ends in an OK cliffhanger, you'll be glad to know that they COULD have made it worse by adding the last five minutes of film to the NEXT matrix, rather then this one. As is, its a cliffhanger, but not NEARLY as bad as it could have been. Think about it, whats worse? The neo trio stuck without a ship, and three sentnals barraling down on them, and they are miles from the nearest ship.


    The neo trio stuck without a ship, and three sentnals barraling down on them, Neo stops them, another ship pickes them up, and oh look, the guy that was an agent smith made human who is stuck in a sickbed next to neo!

    frankly, I find the former more of a cliffhanger...

    anyhoo, my final opinion:

    Get DVD, Rip to PC, cut out 45 minutes of film, burn it, and trash the origenal after scanning the lable.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]Get DVD, Rip to PC, cut out 45 minutes of film, burn it, and trash the origenal after scanning the lable. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Speaking of idiots...
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I was a bit annoyed at how the car chase involved *only* GM cars and trucks.

    True, they did sponsor the film, but there's just too many of the same cars on the chase.

    And why'd they have to kill so many Oldsmobiles?!?!
    Really...They're being phased out, we get it...but why dishonor such a great brand?

    Poor Alero...never stood a chance...
    Four times, at that.

  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I did love the room of caddies, though. :)

    I want that Eldorado.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    And then there was that final Escalade EXT explosion....WOO!
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]Now the Bad news. there is a 45 minute segment that is pure and absolute ROT. Neo being treated as the Messiah, and a 15 minute long Orgy, neither provides ANYTHING AT ALL to the story![/b][/quote]

    It sounds like you were more interested in the movie for its action and not for the story.

    The Zion party/rave scene was a little long, I agree. But it wasn't a 15 minutes was more like 5 minutes.

    As for the Neo Messiah DO realize that they've been using that parallel since the first movie, right?
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    Ok oh great sameulk, in your infinate wisdom please tell me what exactly was the point of the Dance orgy?
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]Speaking of idiots... [/B][/QUOTE]

    Well its just that A# is a taaaad bit excitble jack, cut him some slack, and secondly he was implying that that you did BUY the original... if only to burn, as in set on fire...
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    It was just a rave dance thing. That's all. :) I didn't see anyone "getting it on" at that thing. :P
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    well...four tops thrown in the air.. heh. ;)
  • Don't forget it was a party. You get that many young people in a room and tops are bound to start flying off.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    Yes, but the point is what did it serve to further the plot?

    absofraginlutly nothing.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    I'd like to move on to the deeper implied concepts...

    Although I've only seen it once so far, I had the distinct feeling that the Matrix has many levels within itself, and that the new players introduced in this movie are possibly former "the one"'s refered to before that got lost or tied up in their own situations. Also, taking into consideration that nothing is what it seems, and that trust is a wispy prospect at best, the Architect for example is likely a deluded program that thinks he's in control. It is interesting to note that all the while his bitching about choice and the Oracle's solution, he gave Neo a choice in the end with the doors.

    I suspect that they are all still in the Matrix, but at some new level. I find it hard to believe that Neo could stop the sentinels in such a fashion outside of the Matrix. It is quite possible that the implied threat to Zion is fake and a Red Herring for Neo and company to fool them and to distract them.
    Like a series of Fractal Iterations, there are many Matrix levels existing simultaneously, and that they are moving to and fro between them.

    I'm still thinking about a lot of the shit that went down, and I am quite pleased at the excersize ! :D
  • MTMT Ranger
    Well, my theory is that they aren't allowed to stop Neo. He is, after all, "The One." And according to the Archetect, he's the only one that can keep the Matrix going. Perhaps they're programmed not to kill him. After all, they didn't just kill him off in the first one, which wouldn't have taken much effort.

    Or maybe he just has a little piece of Agent Smith in him that lets him screw with the machines, and that's why good ol' Smith wants him dead: to take that part of him back or whatever he was talking about. I hate this second theory of mine; but I would hate a multiple-Matrix theory being true even more. To me, that would be too cheap -- too much of a cop-out.

    Anyway, I thought the movie was ok. Not great, but good. It didn't give me that feeling I get after watching really good movies. I just saw it, and was for the most part apathetic through pretty much all of it (except the funny parts). I probably just didn't find it all that engaging.

    And to me it seemed like the "John Q" of sci-fi. John Q sucked for many, many reasons. One of them was that their little message was too obvious. They actually have a conversation about it.

    The good thing about the first Matrix was that it's whole theme was underlying; and while discussed, not at length. Reloaded gets people talking openly, and obviously about all that philosophical stuff too much in my opinion.

    And yeah, I thought that whole dance scene was an unnecessary waste of time.

    As for the ending: I thought it was very underwhelming. It was ok, but lacked a certain "specialness" or some other good thing about endings I was expecting. I was probably just let down or something by my high expectations.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Well, my opinions on this film have been changing quite a bit lately.

    More for the better than anything.

    I've started to actually like that rave scene. I also believe it did reinforce the relationship through carefully shot non-gratuitious sex. It also demonstrated the spirit and motivation the residents of Zion have.

    I have started really thinking ahead. IMHO, most of this movie will *not* pay off until Revolutions. So much was carefully constructed and explained in this film. Sadly, much of it can be misinterpreted or taken different ways based on the information provided thus far. It's nice, but in the middle of the second act of a three-act poses a problem (Clarity).

    I really wish we'd get to see Revolutions in the next months or two like the Wachowski Brothers wanted, but that's not financially viable.

    Although even if the third *is* bad, we'll get to see one thing that'll make it amazing:
    [SIZE=3]Power Armor.[/SIZE]

    Also, the credit music kicked ass. "When the World Ends"...just the best song for the atmosphere.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Now, after all that praise, here's some fun counter-working.

    The biggest, baddest thing with this movie:
    The Editing.

    Shit man, was a monkey loose in the cutting room?
    Scenes were so poorly cut together at times...

    Example 1. The entry to Zion. Darkness..darkness...All of a sudden, white. Lots of it. No transition. No smooth jump. Just instant.

    The above recurred on at least two more occasions, both of which were terribly distracting and threw me away from a film I was trying to like.

    Example 2. Powerplant attack. What the hell. Jumping from planning, to completion, to the attack inbetween? Over and over? It's a nice concept gone horribly wrong. These scenes could have been great were they not so tightly woven together. it ended up chaotic and painful to follow.

    Think of it like this. I am taking this paragraph below tearing it into pieces and piecing it together like was done in the film. I've decided to order it by color, but imagine the movie in place of it.

    [COLOR=royalblue]So, I went to the movie theater and had to see the matrix.[/COLOR] [COLOR=burlywood]We watched.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Just in time for the action sequence.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]I ran out of popcorn![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]It's a glitch, it could be replaced.[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]NO![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The movie was started, and we ran in with our food, rushing...rushing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]So me and my friends got on the line for the 10:00 showing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We waited through the movie for fifteen minutes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]And then it ended, and we went home, happy and content. [/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]Pleased with the action sequences, we continued watching.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]We bought some popcorn, and all was tasty.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]The previews were slow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]But for some reason, they wouldn't accept my credit card.[/COLOR]

    Now, isn't that hard to follow? The below paragraph is what that originally was, but note how the above is both different and similar. Especially note how a different story can be taken from the above than the one below, even though they are made of the same components.

    [COLOR=royalblue]So, I went to the movie theater and had to see the matrix.[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]But for some reason, they wouldn't accept my credit card.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]It's a glitch, it could be replaced.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]So me and my friends got on the line for the 10:00 showing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]We bought some popcorn, and all was tasty.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The movie was started, and we ran in with our food, rushing...rushing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]We waited through the movie for fifteen minutes.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]The previews were slow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=burlywood]We watched.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]Pleased with the action sequences, we continued watching.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]I ran out of popcorn![/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]NO![/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Just in time for the action sequence.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]And then it ended, and we went home, happy and content. [/COLOR]

    Problem 2: Random acts of violence.
    Unlike the first movie, most of the fights and action sequences seemed to have little or no weight or impact. There was no risk, no challenge, no difficulty. Things just kind of happened, neo won, over and over...same 'ol story. There was no difficulty as with the fights with Agent Smith and such in the first movie.

    Personally, the car chase and the battle between neo and the obsolete goons was the best part for me. Both featured very interesting, challenging fights, involving multiple parties who had motivation to do as they did.

    The fights between Neo and Smith in this movie were just so random. They occured as if they were attempting to keep the pace from falling too low, not to further the plot. There was no challenge, i.e. the last film. All of the fights could easily have fit into the realm of the end of the final showdown between Smith and Neo at the end of Matrix Uno. Just effortless, fighting with one hand behind his back, etc. They didn't have any emotion, any motivation. Just a fight because one was needed.

    Anyhoo...enough of that.
    I just picked up a copy of the Reloaded Soundtrack. I love it!
    Lots of great songs. Many of which are from [SIZE=4]Rob Dougan[/SIZE] [SIZE=1](whom I love so very, very much!)[/SIZE]
    Good stuff from Linkin Park, but my two favorite tracks so far still are "Rob Dougan - Chataeu" and "Juno Reactor vs. Don Davis - Mona Lisa"
    Amazing stuff on there.
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    There is no spoon.
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [quote]Ok oh great sameulk, in your infinate wisdom please tell me what exactly was the point of the Dance orgy?[/quote]

    If that was the only thing you had mentioned, I wouldn't have said anything. I agree that that scene was way too long. Although it [i]did[/i] have a purpose, it didn't need to be 4 minutes long.

    The point of the party scene was to show that in the face of the attack on Zion, the people were still human, and still had human desires and emotions.

    As I already said in my first post, I agree that it was too long.

    But your comment on the Neo/Messiah thing just doesn't make any sense unless you completely missed that from the first film.
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    I just got back a little bit ago from seeing it. I liked the first movie alot. This one....well, to be blunt I think it sucked. It was nothing more than making Neo out to be some kind of superman wannabe. It was all special effects and very little story. The only redeeming value is the soundtrack. (particularly the track where Trinity is racing down the interstate on that motorcycle...)
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    sigh... it always the same...

    every godamn American/Western audience seems to want to be spoon fed the story, no-one seems to want to work for it...

    the moment a few big words appear, the plot becomes a little nebulous or it becomes obvious the 'higher-ups' have fucked with the script to keep the audience members with ADHD awake...(no offence to genuine sufferers, its a stereotype).... everyone spits the chewy and wants to go home 'cos there feeble little minds hurt...

    there should have been some slow story telling portions of the movie... but no... we had gratuitous fight scenes for those with nanosecond twitch gamer lamers. Action scenes require no cerebral effort. All you have to do is sit there and watch, absorb like a regular couch potato.

    Secondly... why the fuck do you HAVE to be able to understand the story to enjoy it ? Why do you need to have everything explained to you down to the last detail ?
    Has anyone heard of the beauty of mystery ?

    Does anyone know what was in 'the briefcase' in Pulp Fiction ?

    Along the same sorts of lines... the Architect spoke in riddles... logical riddles. Who was he trying to confuse ? Just Neo, or how about you the audience as well ? Did you think that perhaps you're supposed to actually think for yourself? Make interpretations... add some of your thinking, your take on events ? The best stories require you to ad-lib yourself, flesh out the sketches the director has put in front of you.

    The most boring as bat shit movies are the ones which have old much travelled plotlines like railway tracks. Unfortunately as soon as someone takes too much of those guides... people fly off the rails and lose the story alltogether... because their soft flabby brains cant cope with not having all thier paramaters neatly defined.

    The whole fucking movie is about thinking outside the freakin square....


    I expected much better from you guys...

    As far as the rave is concerned... those people are facing what may be anihilation within the next 48 hours or so. What would you do ? Sit around quietly oiling your EMP pulse rifle ? Those people were celebrating life, celebrating living, because there was a high probability that they may never get the chance to dance again. It was carnal, viscreal, sensual.... alive !!!

    Whats your problem with that prudes ? Hmmm ? Cant hack seeing someone actually doing some living ? Can't hack some rawness ? Doing some real living in the face of adversity ?

    Gawd people... the Celts used to have a massive party before they went to kill romans, and often die doing so.

    As far as Neo waving his hand and the sentinels falling over.... try this quote on for size from another classic Sci-fi

    "it seems Uuzel no longer needs his weirding module"

    Neo has developed his ability... his interface with the machines has grown to a depth were he can, atleast over what seems like short distances, do some wireless network control. He just reached out and bluetoothed them to bits, perhaps a little before he was truly ready to do so.
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    as soon as you realise that anything Holywood made is about nothing but money... the better...

    Reloaded is just another sad case of dumbing down and 'commecialising' of a movie... I'll bet you a fuckload that movie did NOT come to the screen as the brothers intended.

    It was one big mess. The brothers fighting for thier cerebral and involving story... up against the producers/bean counters pushing Caddilacs and making sure the fucks with IQ's lower than room temperature didnt feel left dropping in the dumb fight sequences... both parties I think had thier say in what came to screen...

    the fucked bits courtesy of the dickhead moneymen...

    the good parts courtesy of the brothers...

    I had my 'shit filter' turned up to max as soon as I sat down. it always the same... a good 'product' like the Matrix.. becomes a 'brand'.... and the pimps come out of the woordwork to fuck with the 'art'...Sequels never ever quite do what the original did, or does... because the producers et al... get greedy... then its all over.

    My hope is the brothers write this story out as a proper book... there perhaps we'll get the 'real' Matrix...


    I HATE suits.

    I HATE self important meddlers.

    See it again boys and girls.... and sift it... use your freakin brains !!!
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    bring on the directors cut....

    and just perhaps they added a little more T and A action for the exact same reason we had the fight sequences...

    sex sells...

    I have no doubt about my other comments about the rave scene... it was still about living... perhaps the beanieboys added the flying tops/extended the scene...

    curiously enough Ahash... you seem to be the one to have spotted them..:D I certainly didnt.
  • Am I allowed to enjoy [i]both[/i] the action and philosophical sequences, or does this make me someone with ADHD?

    I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, even if it could have done without the sex scene - but hey, my perspective doesn't count. I'm just a westerner. My inferior ethnicity forces me to defer to masters like you.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Well, he's entitled to his opinion, and you to yours. :P

    Personally, I think Mine's the best, and that you should all accept it and bow down before me.
  • bobobobo (A monkey)
    you should all accept it and bow down before me.
    OK, Sanfam, I'm bending over, but its not the front-end facing you. :D

    sb: Dude, you need to stop holding back. Repressing all this apparent anger is not healthy. Next time, say what you mean and don't beat around the bush so much. ;)
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