"The best argument against democracy is five minutes with the average voter."
People lately tend to vote hot-button issues only. The press is very good at manipulating public opinion.
Democracy requires responsibility. An uninformed voting public is a danger to itself. Watch what's been happening with our civil rights. It is going to get worse.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Captain,Simmonds [/i]
[B]BTW: I should mind you people that alot of people have died due to Relgion, ANd people still do today.
Becuase assholes Take it to far. [/B][/QUOTE]
How true that is. Hell, the christians are STILL taking flak for the crusades.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i]
[B]How true that is. Hell, the christians are STILL taking flak for the crusades. [/B][/QUOTE]
Which pisses me off, we never hear about the crap the Ottoman empire got upto when it started invading the old Byzantine's and all of the blakands plus good chunks of easern europe, and that lasted for 700 years! and we never hear about the stuff that preceded the crusades you know, killing of pilgrams, closing off of the holy land
Or that Charles Martel smashed the invading sacacens in 800 at TOURS! (hella long way from Mecca there buddies)
damn 1300 year war and people only focus on 100 years of it.. bleh.
Frankly the whole concern about the religious right, is the media trying to create hysteria and alot of people have bought into the propoganda.
Uh. I refuring to All Relgions that have cuased Blood Shed....
Christians seem have have a tendancy to force other people into there Religion... Like back in the 30s, They force Natives kids into Residental Schools, And told then to give up there Culture, There Religion, there Laguage. And if they Tryed to pratace any of those they would get beat or somthing.
But the same can be said of any religion. There are examples of radical believers who have tried to convert people using um nonstandard ways. But this is true of anything. You cannot single out one religion (whatever one it may be) and say: this religion is bad. This one is good. It just doesnt work. You are speaking of the thirties, but now things like that are fairly rare in schools.
Biggles<font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
All religions have their evangelists and their fanatics.
People lately tend to vote hot-button issues only. The press is very good at manipulating public opinion.
Democracy requires responsibility. An uninformed voting public is a danger to itself. Watch what's been happening with our civil rights. It is going to get worse.
[B]BTW: I should mind you people that alot of people have died due to Relgion, ANd people still do today.
Becuase assholes Take it to far. [/B][/QUOTE]
How true that is. Hell, the christians are STILL taking flak for the crusades.
[B]How true that is. Hell, the christians are STILL taking flak for the crusades. [/B][/QUOTE]
Which pisses me off, we never hear about the crap the Ottoman empire got upto when it started invading the old Byzantine's and all of the blakands plus good chunks of easern europe, and that lasted for 700 years! and we never hear about the stuff that preceded the crusades you know, killing of pilgrams, closing off of the holy land
Or that Charles Martel smashed the invading sacacens in 800 at TOURS! (hella long way from Mecca there buddies)
damn 1300 year war and people only focus on 100 years of it.. bleh.
Frankly the whole concern about the religious right, is the media trying to create hysteria and alot of people have bought into the propoganda.
[B]How true that is. Hell, the christians are STILL taking flak for the crusades. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah... Long term grudges...
I'm still pissed at Nimrod for that little stunt he pulled on the tower...
:D:p :alien:
Christians seem have have a tendancy to force other people into there Religion... Like back in the 30s, They force Natives kids into Residental Schools, And told then to give up there Culture, There Religion, there Laguage. And if they Tryed to pratace any of those they would get beat or somthing.
And Yes, I find things like that Very Very Wrong.
Don't recall who said that, but it's well said.
And there are no real democracys in this world anyway.