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Mod News (Text)



  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    ModFactory Poll

    Poll Title: IFH MP Vote
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    QUOTE]Originally posted by CnlPepper:
    [b]Hey guys I got a little fed up with scripting and rescaling ships so I took a day out to make the following replacement for the sierra intro movie at the start of homeworld. I was going to keep this as a suprise but nah you've waited long enough for something!

    You can grab it here:

    [url=""][/url] (1.65Mb)

    Should be finished uploading within 5 mins of this post [img][/img]

    Its not too exciting, thats for intro 2 [img][/img]

    CnlPepper - Moderator saying "enjoy" [img][/img]

  • FalconFalcon Elite Ranger
    [quote]Originally posted by RubberEagle:
    [b]Es gibt ein video vom StarLancer mod


    Welchen Codec braucht man für das Video?

    CU Falcon
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    DivX [url=""][/url]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    die b5ifh seite [url=""][/url] wurde upgedatet.

    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-11-2001).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Infos über die schiffe die in der neuen b5 ifh demo sein werden

    Minbari Sharlin Warcruiser
    >Earth Alliance Hyperion Cruiser
    >Earth Alliance Omega Destroyer
    >Narn Frazi Fighter
    >Raider Zephyr Fighter

    >and these FLYABLE fighters
    >Earth Alliance Starfury

    >Minbari Nial Fighter
    >Centauri Sentri Fighter[/B][/QUOTE]
    Wrong, the Starfury in the only one flyable craft in the demo

    Additionaly you will see in the demo:

    [IFH team]
    Oleg from Space Dream Factory
    - Ootmins! Tinka mi chasa hopo ma booty nanolia! -
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    B5: "The fall of Night" Update.

    Well well. It is ready! There might be minor bugs still, but nothing serious. I tried to get the new update and info about the game also, but there has been to much edits to the game for me to update it all at once. So from now on I'll be updating these pages. The FAQ is getting all new lookout (the old one has some new updates) and there is going to be stuff at the artwork section also. I heard that there was a slight problem with the engines license, so it's going to take about a month until we get to the phase when we start doing some code. The number 1 problem are the low poly models. We have only 2 modelers and MANY models to be done so if you are interested and want to help, mail me @

    The game basic idea has been changed almost completely. From the 2D graphics and engine we have moved to 3D engine and point of view. The view will be set to 3rd person like in "rogue squadron". But the main thing is that we are going to leave the high realistic functions like "hit areas" and the funky space physics. So it's going to be fun and fast, but still realistic and to have an epic screen play. That's for now, more updates coming soon.


    Infos über die neue Engine gibts unter [url=""][/url]

    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-13-2001).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von B5:IFH

    >What missions and menus will be in the demo? I hope that the Battle of the Line is one of them.

    The demo campaign takes place before the main IFH campaign, in early 2254. It includes 4 missions and explains something important about IFH pre-history. For example, why and how Alpha squadron lost its commander and why Kelley has taken his place.

    [IFH team]
    Oleg from Space Dream Factory
    - Ootmins! Tinka mi chasa hopo ma booty nanolia! -

    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-14-2001).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    es gibt neue screenshots vom wing commander b5 bod!!! [url=""][/url]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues vom FS2 Mod

    [quote][i]Originally posted by Skullar [/i]
    [b]I things go fine the demo will be released WITHIN this month , maybe in the first week of next month.

    Facts at your fingertips :

    - The Demo will be the first BABYLON PROJECT RELEASE.

    - Unlike other fan project releases TBP didnt just change one or two ships. Though it is a Freespace 2 mod it will mostly look like a game on its own. We changed nearly everything that could be changed to create the maximum amount of Babylon 5 atmosphere.

    - There will be 2 ways to get the demo :
    1. You get the FULL 1-file download . Personally I expect that one to be 80-85 MB. May be more.
    2. You are on 56k or less and dont have the patience to get the full version
    Then you can download COMPONENTS of the mod at your own will, for example :
    - Core files ( must have )
    - Interface grafics ( not needed )
    - music ( not needed )
    - speech ( not needed )

    - The Demo is a short version of the Earth-Minbari War. Later , we will release the FULL war with more missions.

    - After the Minbari war ( which will be our first full campaign ) we plan to release our Main Campaign : The EARTH ALLIANCE CIVIL WAR which will come somewhere in 2002. This campaign will have 30 missions ( script already written and gets tweaked for months ) The Civil war wont be as anonymous as FS2 was , it will more resemble the wing commander series for there will be lots of characters ( the one from the series and more important : your wingmen and the crews on the ships you will be stationed on )

    - The Babylon 5 station will NOT be included . However , B5 will come with the Main Campaign if we don't release it earlier.

    - when you get it , read the README file . [/b][/quote]

    [quote]Bundespräsident Johannes Rau, 11.9.2001:
    [b]Hass zerstört die Welt und Hass vernichtet Menschen. Darum geht es überall, in Finnland und in Deutschland, in Europa und in Amerika, im Nahen Osten und im fernen Asien: Dem Hass zu widerstehen und der Nächstenliebe Raum zu schaffen. Wer nicht hasst, sagt auch Nein zur Gewalt. Wer Nein zu Gewalt sagt, macht das Leben unserer Kinder erst möglich.[/b][/quote]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt jetzt den G`Quan Kreuzer für den Klingon Academy Mod
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues Vom XWA Mod

    Some Updates....
    By: CEO Trident - 2001-09-20 13:15:34

    I updated the page format a little. I just put up Alpha 2 Test files in the download section so go and check them out.
    Also I have done a XVT mod of the ships a while back. The url is [url=""][/url]

    B5 XWA TC Downloads
    Here is the section that is deticated to downloading the files.


    Alpha 1 Release
    Files were moved to our server. The first release.
    Alpha 1 Release (4,619k)


    Alpha 2 Test Files
    These are the testing files that the beta testers used for the soon to come Alpha 2 mod. Alpha 1 is required to be installed before installing the alpha 2 test files.
    This zip you unzip into the xwingalliance/flightmodels folder
    Flightmodels (3,054k)

    This you create a folder named WAVE in the xwingalliance folder. Then in the WAVE folder you create a folder named FE_HIGH_RES. You unzip the b5sfxblastn.lst into the WAVE folder. Then you unzip the .wav into the FE_HIGH_RES.
    Sound Pack (6k)

    This you first unzip into the xwingalliance folder. Then you go to the same folder and run the B5-A1-U1.exe to patch the main exe.
    Main Files (91k)
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    neues von ifh

    Date: 21 september 2001 Provided by: web-master
    Subject: News & Updates

    Hello, mates. Here's some news & updates. All team's working on code processing and retexturing models. New model is done: Nova v 2.0, see Shots section (all old shots are packed as self-extracted archives for download, Shots section will represent only fresh sreenies, others will be archived, currently uploading data).

    Stay tuned for any further hot information 'cause it'll be. Sonner You may think [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    wieder neues von b5 ifh

    Date: 22 september 2001 Provided by: web-master
    Subject: Votes & files

    All files at download section are accessable. 1 shot added at current 'shot set'. Vote installed, go ahead
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Habe gerade die Info bekommen, welche Schiffe 100%ig in der IFH demo sein werden [img][/img]

    Smasher(16:31 PM) : i know for 100 % that this ships will be in demo:
    1. Starfury
    2. Omega
    3. Nova
    4. GQuon
    5. Frazi
    6. Vorchan
    7. Sentri
    8. Zephyr

    Smasher(16:34 PM) : i believe it's quite official, because Oleg post that info somewhere in the forum
    but there will be other ships in the demo
    i promise your
    but never tell you which ones [img][/img])
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von "The Fall of Night" ( [url=""][/url] )

    As I mentioned later we had some problems with the engines license. I'm waiting the word from our main programmer so we can start to modify the engine to our needs. Every day I get more ideas which to include to the game, but my time is also limited because of my studies. So as soon as we get the job with the engine started, we can begin thinking about an preview and a technology demo. As the engine itself is ready it only has to be changed to our needs, it won't take so much time as it would take if we would start from scratches. I'll be updating again as soon as I hear anything new about the engine.

    And some extra! Look at this model [url=""][/url] by Mr Excalibur

  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von B5:IFH

    [quote]Originally posted by Renderer:
    >Is the project being cancelled or something?? [img][/img]

    From now this question is declared OFFTOPIC here...

    >In what year will the Demo be released?

    Hopefully the very end of this year.

    >Where is the trailer? Will there be a trailer? If yes, then how soon? If not, why?

    Next week there will be a trailer. 90 seconds, 320x240, about 7 megs in size, compressed with DivX.

    >Give us (me, if someone doesn't share my opinion) some info, tell us about the problems you have & how you fix them, who's working on what right now etc.

    Okay, here is "some" info. [img][/img]
    I hope you won't be disappointed if I'll tell you about the technical problems mostly. Two main problems are game logic and AI.

    1) First is the "event engine", as we can call it. All events in the game (ships arrival/departure, comm messages, music changes, AI behavior changes, etc.) happen upon completion of some conditions, or "cues", defined in the mission script (XW, FS, hello!.. [img][/img] ). "Cue" is the logical expression, sometimes simple (true), somtimes complex ( (Destroyed:"Charlie") and ((Departed:"Gamma 2") or (HullBelow:"Tango" Percent:"25" Delay:"3")) ). The problem is to have more possible expressions available to mission designer. This "event engine" is rather complex and requires a lot of programming and even more testing.

    2) The second major problem is AI. How to turn sharp, non-missing cyber brain into intelligent-looking sentient being with feelings that makes mistakes? Right now the result of combat with AI will be very simple in most cases: you will know pain, you will know fear, and then you will die... [img][/img] I remember ITF guys had the same problem. I'm solving it by adding some random behavior selection. Same AI in the same situation is going to act differently that will make it unpredictable (and more "alive").

    Also, I have to add more lines to AI behavior - like docking/undocking (almost complete today) or shooting down the subsystems or navigating close to the capships. Capship AI is now at early stage of programming and it's gonna differ completely from smaller craft AI.

    >Post some new screenies
    OK, only one ;-)
    Maintbot is gonna dock with cargo container.


  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    tfon screenshot [url=""][/url]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    IFH Update [img][/img]

    Date: 4 october 2001 Provided by: web-master
    Subject: New WIPs set

    New WIPs Set started - some B5 station shots and updated Black Omega starfury (who doesn't knows - special version for the Psi-Corps).
    Previous full-month set is available as archive.

    Works on trailer are finishing. Yes, FINISHING!
    Stay tuned. And may the... well, just wishing free space beyond and over to You.

    Habe die Screenshots im Screenshot-Threat gepostet. Sie sind aber auch auf der IFH Seite zu finden.
    Vieleicht gibts ja morgen schon den Trailer [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    [quote]Originally posted by henrik:
    [b]Nope, no crashing.

    I am currently working on redoing the Thunderbolt a bit. For example on thr earlier version the entire cockpit was just one big texture. But now I have modelled the individual windows, cause I want to add a reflective environment map on them. The result will be so cool!!!

    Btw I had to make the cockpit section twice, cause the first time LW crashed (it does that a lot in win2k)when I have worked 3 hours on cockpit section. Guess if I was mad... The second time I made the cockpit in 1.5 hours, cause I had the different steps in my mind. Thank god for short term memory :=) All modellers: SAVE OFTEN!!!!

  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von TFON

    Well well. We got the first look at our engine and have to say, beautiful !. Just some high/low poly tests and other stuff, but I'm pleased for what I saw. We also have some pre-stats. These are just now and as you all know might not be true with every system and configuration.

    Minimum :

    DX 8


    500Mhz+ processor
    128Mb+ RAM
    Geforce1,2,3, Radeon or equal
    DX 8a
    Newest official drivers
    W9x,ME,XP for T&L, W2K does not support T&L

    But remember , these are stats now with only little testing. These are the engines min/max and may not be equal with the games min/max

  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von IFH

    Date: 14 october 2001 Provided by: Cmdr. Akeen
    Subject: Week-end news

    Actually, week-end it's time for rest, but not for IFH Team. For us, week-end - it's a hard-work-days. Besides, with some rest too [img][/img]

    News from Henrik. Currently, he's working on:

    * Extensive sound library... will be ready within a few days;

    * LODing the G'Quon;

    *Thunderbolt fighter (with gibs) - ready now, except for window mat process and a few missiles. Working on specular component right too.

    News from Smasher:

    * Modelling some stuff and advancing Mission editor features.

    More news (and may be some media stuff) come... just stay tuned!
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    neues von ifh
    News from Renderer:

    * Lighting model (sunlight and dynamic light from explosions and shots)
    seem to be working "in general" but many details still have to be done.
    Ambient, diffuse and specular lighting (rep-vertex). Per-pixel light using
    dot3 bumpmapping is coming soon (how soon - no idea ;-)

    * AI improvements.
    Today 8 Elite-class Starfuries destroyed 32 Average-class Zephyrs. The squad
    lost 3 Starfuries in the end. Now teaching AI how to break enemy targeting
    lock (yeah, just like that... ;-) You know, afterburners could be of much
    help, as well as the inertial mode. Poor Zephyries... ;-)

    * Particle system. File "el_particles.cpp" has been added to the project...
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von B5:IFH

    Subject: Work's progress

    News from Andy La Rubin:

    - redesigning AI (see Firstones ITF forum, especially John Walker posts for details);

    - as a "side-effect", these is now a "theoretical" possibility for player to be a gunner on, say, two-seated Starfury, or even main gun on Omega;

    - I've got 220V-50Hz power adapter (thanks to Evgeny Kim) for my MS SideWinder FF Pro, received from US (thanks to Alex Aces), so ForceFeedback support is near;

    - Early hyperspace tests are started.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es wird in wenigen Tagen eine B5:IFH FAQ geben [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues vom Klingon Academy Mod [url=""][/url]

    November 21, 2001 -happy birthday sis!
    Brakiri cruiser v2.0 released! get it on
    'my mods' page. Enjoy!
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    neues von ifh

    Date: 29 november 2001 Provided by: Cmdr. Akeen
    Subject: As promised, on air.

    Greetings, dear visitors. Last week I was cut off from the web - my system crashed after 1-year perfect working. So I was busy on restoring everything.

    Now I'm on air, so here's update - Shots [url=""][/url] , as usual, and some useful info for all newbies - IFH FAQ v.1.1. [url=""][/url] Thanks to TerraBolt for compiling iit. That's all now, see Ya.
  • [url=""][/url]

    Klingt nach einer neuen Sim. Das wird aber noch eine ganze Weile dauern, wenn es denn überhaupt dazu kommt.

    Aber das, was Cr0we sagt, klingt vielversprechend.

    We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
    No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
    - Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
    Webmaster [url=""][/url]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Neues von Buda5 v 2.0

    EA Starfury, Minbari Sharlin and Narn G'Quan uploaded and linked from 'downloads [url=""][/url] '. I added some screenshots to 'propaganda [url=""][/url] '. Note that Sharlin doesn't have have any weapons yet and G'Quan needs some work too - G'Quan isn't player pilotable. If you want stay "on the leading edge" when it comes to Buda5 and Babylon 5 mods for EoC, remeber to visit our message boards [url=""][/url] . Even more so since Simon has had trouples accessing the ftp server and thus being unable to update our site.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    neues von ifh

    Yes, I have made a few new environments, but I don't want to give away EVERYTHING to you... I want there to be a few surprises in the demo. And Oleg isn't currently working on any rendering features, just collision detection, skinning and AI... and that won't make pretty screenies.
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