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Mod News (Text)



  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    tja.. wenn man sich auch eine ATI grafikkarte kauft [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    es gibt wieder 4 neue Screenshots vom XWA Mod.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    B5 IFH Update :

    Current status is:
    1. Pre-alpha version 0.21 is out
    2. New version of engine with script support is inder develompent.
    3. We have done about 15 ship models. Still lot of work to do here.
    We need them !!!
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    ein paar News zum FS2 Mod

    I'm looking for anyone with experiance rendering in Maya.
    Work is on a 10 minute long amature film "MoringStar" (working title) currently in production.

    The subject of the film is futuristic warfare and fighter combat, which is why I am posting on this board, as it is a point of common intrest.

    No modeling or texturing ability is neccesary, as all that work has been completed.

    Work is non-profit, for porfolio and personal gratification perposes only. Intersested parties will be sent story boards, models and scenes and will execute these scenes using their own artistic ability within the contect of the story line. By the end of the summer all participants will submit finished scenes for the final product.

    A full copy of Maya is available to those with experiance but without the access to the program itself.

    Currently we have a finished script, initial live action sequences, several finished scenes, a preview, and 4-6 people on board for the final project.

    We will have a film website up shortly.

    Current plans are to submit the finished film to and the second 2001 Alias/Wavefront competition.

    Thanks for your intrest.

    We now return you to the BABYLON 5 universe...
  • X-OmegaX-Omega Elite Ranger
    Was ist die Webseite von B5 IFH? Ich könnte sie mit 2D Grafik helfen. [img][/img]

    Major and webmaster [b]X-Omega[/b] of Fleet of the eXecutors, [url=""][/url]

    [i]Battles are never won only with good weapons nor only with good skill. Winning battles requires a good combination of both of them.[/i]
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    also ifh hat eine seite bei [url=""][/url]
    und eine hier: [url=""][/url]

  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt wieder zwei neue IFH Screenshots [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    neues vom FS2 Mod
    unter gibt es ein 6,3 MB großes video vom Mod

    unter [url=""][/url] einer korrigierte version der B5 Karte und es gibt 4 screenshots eines Schiffes der Octurion Klasse !!!
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Unter [url=""][/url] gibt es ein erstes Modelpack vom Klingon Academy Mod zum Downloaden [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt 2 neue Screenshots vom Klingon Academy Mod
  • FalconFalcon Elite Ranger
    [quote]Originally posted by Alpha-1:
    [b]neues vom FS2 Mod
    unter gibt es ein 6,3 MB großes video vom Mod

    unter [url=""][/url] einer korrigierte version der B5 Karte und es gibt 4 screenshots eines Schiffes der Octurion Klasse !!![/b][/quote]

    Also ich hab mir das Ding gerade runtergezogen und kann eigentlich nur sagen, dass ihr Euch die 6 MB sparen könnt. Das ist eine Hintereinanderreihung von 2-3 Screenshots, die nix neues zeigen und von ein bißchen Text unterbrochen werden. Also nix tolles.

    CU Falcon
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    News zu Babylon 5:Worlds.
    Jusas, der Developer des Projektes hat jetzt seine eigene seite [url=""][/url]
    und im parawold Forum erklärt, warum die geplante erste version des Games noch nicht draußen ist.

    Yeah we're sorry for this... but the only thing we could have released was a technology demo of our 3d engine. And it turned out we didn't even have time to make all the decisions together with the team because of all the fuss in xmas time. I'm sorry for that and now we are facing another problem, olpe is going to army on monday so the coding will continue slowly...
    He doesn't have much free time you know. So basically we're advancing in small steps, the others design the game and try to do as much as possible while olpe is gone, and when he has time we give him the ready stuff and he can work as much as possible.
    And now that the deadline pressure is kinda gone, we will probably release the demo as a "real" demo instead of just technology demo, meaning that the ships' configurations, battle rules and such are built into the game instead of just showing off the engine. I'm writing this alone but I believe the others agree with me here...
    well, sorry, don't know what else to say
    I guess I'll be doing some more updates now... at least concerning my part of the job. I'll soon make a subsection to my own pages that I can frequently update and link to it from the front page.
    I'll be posting shots of my models and some data of the game structure there as much as possible... so stay tuned.
    My pages are at [url=""][/url]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt schon wieder 3 neue Screenshots von B5:I've found her. Ich werde sie wieder im Screenshot-threat posten [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt 3 neue XWA Mod Screenshots von einem Dilgar-Fighter. werde sie heute mittag posten [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Skullar hat im Mod Forum ein Update zum FS2 Mod gepostet [img][/img]

    The last sunday the Developpers met at a chat to discuss the project.
    1. I want to let you know that the project is still extremely vivid. We are working on several things and there is lots of stuff nearing completion. We plan to release the completed MOD within THIS year and there WILL be a demo. Unfortunately even for the demo we need lots of stuff completed ( there wont be any inferior "but-we-try-so-hard" demos like for the Freeware simulator, our demo will already be a "taste-this!" demo.
    Everything else is classified.

    2. We are working on several tasks simultaneously, for all developers have different capabilities. Things are proceeding well except for the texturing and conversion of models. In general we have too few people working on that. You see, there will be MANY objects which have to be textured. We are planning to make a comprehensive tutorial on that but you can already download a basic texturing tutorial at freespace.volitionwatch
    Introduce yourself to texturing and help us.
    Or do you have skills in 3D-Modeling ? Goto our website and check for models that have to be made. For instructions address yourself to the team. 3D-Models and textures are the 2 parts that will keep us busy till the end. The more people help us at that the sooner the mod will be finished.
    The more you contribute to the mod the more access you gain and you can see stunning things we already have but cannot show to the public right now.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    B5 IFH bekommt auf jeden Fall eine Kokpitansicht [img][/img]
  • Wär auch peinlich, wenn nicht - was ist schon ein Spacesim ohne HUD [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    B5FSF update [img][/img]

    Ok. So I'm working on the game, getting frustrated as hell by MS's POS implementation of the STL (more bugs than you could imagine), and going no where slowly. Truthfully, I think I'm guilty of over-engineering this thing (a very common mistake) -- big time. So last week I extended my vacation, and re-wrote the entire thing in ANSI C. I've got a few bugs to workout, but the framework is pretty muched finished. So where do we stand?
    Well, after fixing the remaining bugs I could drop the code in Warren's lap, however, I'd have to write up tons of documentation before he could use any of it. So....instead, here's what I'm gonna do. I'll implement a very simple (based on the old code) 3D engine which does exactly what it did before. And then we'll release B5:FSF pre-alpha2. That will be similar to the last, although you'll be able to use the keyboard, joystick, and/or mouse to move around, as well as modify the scene (that is, add other ships and stuff). *Then* I'll drop Warren the code. With a basic 3d engine from which to work off of, I wont really need to document anything, plus you'll all have a new toy to play with. Once that's done we can move on to making this a real friggin game (adding sound, ai, music, etc...).

    So what this boils down to is about 6-8 weeks, and you'll see the next release. Sound good to everyone?


    David MacCormack
    B5:FSF project lead, programmer, and composer
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    hehe coool [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    News zu B5 The Fall Of Night ( [url=""][/url] )

    2 new sections, Music and Videos, have been opened and some pictures and music have allready been uploaded so check out. Allso some minor updates have been done and a new FAQ is coming soon. If you have any questions, please e-mail me to or post to the forums, most likely I'll add those questions to the FAQ.
    Once again I have to tell you that the first ingame video is nearly done. At this moment it's being rendered and as soon as it's ready we'll post it here and move on to the next video. Also some ne musictracks have been done but I think that they won't be released any time soon. I have an idea that once the first chapter/episode of the game is ready we'll release the music and videos used in it separately.

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum [img][/img]

    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 01-10-2001).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Die Schatten haben das telefragged network gehackt, deshalb is die FS2 Mod Seite einige Zeit down [img][/img]

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum :)
  • tief durchatmen , sie ist wieder da.
    Auf ihr gibts übrigens eine Sammlung von Screenies.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    ENDLICH SCREENSHOTS [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
    [img][/img] [img][/img]
    [quote]Originally posted by Skullar:
    [b]tief durchatmen , sie ist wieder da.
    Auf ihr gibts übrigens eine Sammlung von Screenies.[/b][/quote]

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum [img][/img]

    [This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 01-10-2001).]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Die FAQ vom Freespace2 Mod is online [img][/img]
    werde heute noch die FS2 Mod Screenshots im Screenshot-thread posten

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum :)
  • FalconFalcon Elite Ranger
    Es gibt noch einen zweiten MOD zu Homeworld. Beschäftigt sich anscheinend hauptsächlich mit dem Konflikt zwischen Narn & Centauri. Die Website zum MOD names "Babylon 5: Great Wars" gibt's unter:

    Anscheinend ist unser RubberEagle auch nicht der einzige der sich mit B5 und Starlancer auseinandersetzt. Neben ihm arbeiten auch noch andere an einem MOD. Auf Lancers Reactor gibt's schon mal einen Fighter Pack zum Download.

    CU Falcon
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Danke für die Links.
    Die Modelle vom StarLancer Fighterpack sin übrigens konvertierte Buda5 Modelle

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum :)
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    [quote]Originally posted by Falcon:
    [b]Anscheinend ist unser RubberEagle auch nicht der einzige der sich mit B5 und Starlancer auseinandersetzt. Neben ihm arbeiten auch noch andere an einem MOD. Auf Lancers Reactor gibt's schon mal einen Fighter Pack zum Download.

    Tja, Virus is ein Mitglied meines Teams [img][/img]
    Und es sieht im moment so aus, daß nur der missionseditor den mod bremst, weil er noch nicht draußen ist.... die Modelle sind größten Teils schon fertig, ich muß sie nur in StarLancer testen (dazu muß ichs aber erst mal wieder bekommen.. weiß wer von euch, wie lang ein paket aus dänemark nach Österreich braucht? [img][/img] )
    Übrigens, wenn die letzten ereignisse nur ein vorzeichen für den Mod waren, dann wird er wohl ziemlich "rocken" [img][/img]

    Grüße, RubberEagle
  • FalconFalcon Elite Ranger
    [quote]Originally posted by RubberEagle:
    [b] .. weiß wer von euch, wie lang ein paket aus dänemark nach Österreich braucht?[/b][/quote]

    Eine Frage: Warum Dänemark ?!?

    CU Falcon

    P.S.: Ich hab leider kein Starlancer [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    Weil ich meine englische version von starlancer mit autogramm von chris roberts wohl von dort bekomme [img][/img]
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Es gibt 2 neue Modelle für den KA Mod
    B5 [url=""][/url]

    Sharlin [url=""][/url]

    MOD Spezi im deutschen Firstones Forum :)
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