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B5, das weiße Haus und Bush;)

Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite RangerGermany
[quote]Well, according to third-hand information from JMS, he does. Joe posted this on Usenet:

So I was talking to Doug Netter this afternoon, who had in turn spoken with
Bruce Boxleitner earlier in the day about the year 2 DVD. In the course of
that conversation, Bruce mentioned something that Doug in turn mentioned to me.

To wit:

Bruce had been at the White House about a month ago, in the company of wife
Melissa Gilbert, president of the Screen Actors Guild, for a discussion with
some of the functionaries there concerning acting roles moving north of the
Canadian border.

As they're talking, in a long conference room, in the middle of the meeting the
door oens and Karl Rove -- main strategist for the Republican Party and power
behind the White House throne -- comes in. He says (paraphrased from memory)
to Melissa, "I hope you'll forgive me, but I actually here to see Bruce."

He then tells Bruce, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm a big science fiction
fan, and that Babylon 5 is the best science fiction television series *ever*."

Then there's a pause, and he adds....

"And the President thinks so too."

Upon hearing this, I went to lie down for a spell, but I fully expect to be
back on my feet by Spring, latest.


siehe auch seite [img][/img]


  • -Marty--Marty- Earthforce Officer
    ja das ist lustig [img][/img]

    Vielleicht sollten wir Herrn Bush einen Brief schreiben; er soll doch so nett sein, per Verfügung Sierra zwingen, die ITF Materialien auszuliefern und an Sector 14 Studios zu übergeben [img][/img]
    (und ein bisschen Steuergelder um das Spiel fertig zu stellen)

    SOllte für den Präsidenten doch kein allzu großes Problem sein, oder? [img][/img]
  • Zuallerst einmal, hätte alpha 1 erstmal den Preis für "the best topic". Jedenfalls ist es schwer diese Topic-überschrift nicht zu beachten.

    Andererseits, wäre ich nicht besonders stolz, wenn ein GW Bush Babylon 5 gut findet
    Es lässt aber auch interessante Schlüsse zu:
    -Was war seine lieblingsepisode?
    -Wer war sein lieblingscharakter?
    -Und, wo nimmt er die zeit zum Fernsehen her?
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