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John Carter of Mars
When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie."London, UK
in Zocalo v2.0
So I bought this film to watch on the train back to Aberdeen this weekend, and was really surprised at how good it was.
I've not read the books before (tho I now plan to), and thanks to Disney's piss poor marketing frak up I didn't know much about the film before watching it. And given the media coverage of it being the biggest flop in history (tho I think it might already have been overtaken in that regard), quite frankly I wasn't expecting much.
However, I actually thoroughly enjoyed watching it! Taylor Kitsch was pretty good in the role, but frak me! Lynn Collins is going right up as my pc's next wallpaper! Hot! The story was pretty good too I thought. Mars certainly came across as being quite alien and yet quite familiar, and altho the premise was quite shakey scientifically, for a film based on a book written about a century ago it was pretty damned good. Certainly a lot better than most of the contemporary crap we get fed!
However I'm rather disappointed now that unless DVD sales are massive, I doubt we'll be seeing a sequel any time soon. And it's not often you hear me complaining about Hollywood not doing one of them!
I've not read the books before (tho I now plan to), and thanks to Disney's piss poor marketing frak up I didn't know much about the film before watching it. And given the media coverage of it being the biggest flop in history (tho I think it might already have been overtaken in that regard), quite frankly I wasn't expecting much.
However, I actually thoroughly enjoyed watching it! Taylor Kitsch was pretty good in the role, but frak me! Lynn Collins is going right up as my pc's next wallpaper! Hot! The story was pretty good too I thought. Mars certainly came across as being quite alien and yet quite familiar, and altho the premise was quite shakey scientifically, for a film based on a book written about a century ago it was pretty damned good. Certainly a lot better than most of the contemporary crap we get fed!
However I'm rather disappointed now that unless DVD sales are massive, I doubt we'll be seeing a sequel any time soon. And it's not often you hear me complaining about Hollywood not doing one of them!
The same writer is also the creator of Tarzan by the way, and I'd recommend taht you read the first book of that as well.
I went to see it in theaters without knowing all that much about it, I knew of the stories etc. But had not seen trailers apart from the few fanmade ones.
And I was really surprised too. I liked it, and would like to see some more.
And hell... there's worse crap out there, that's getting sequels and making millions even tho the stories are more or less universally reviled (sparkling vampires anyone?)..
Oh well.. 12 days until I get to see Dark Knight Rises on Imax! ;)
Or is it the other way around?
Overall Jason Carter is worth watching, but I understand why they pulled the plug to cut their losses. It still bothers me that they can't fix movies in time just to earn their moneys back.
Stingray: I certainly remembered Dejah Thoris! I'd dearly love to get to know her a lot better! :p
It is also quite impossible for the movie makers to recreate exactly the looks of a creature that is solely based on everyone's personal imagination. Again the book is no help to someone who has not read it. In some ways the movie tried to immitate some scenes from Star Wars and Dune as well, like the flying machines, the desert environments, infrastructure and beasts.
This movie is a good example that shows quite well that you can have everything to make an epic story and still not quite make it so.
She's certainly up to the task, and so was Jennifer Lawrence in Hunger Games, but one appealing actress does not a movie make. The antagonist was pretty bland as well by the way, which is a fatal blow and certainly did not help either. It could have been so much more indeed. Hindsight is 20/20, but still.
Since I have not read the book, I had the feeling they were showing off too much CGI. Jason Carter now comes across as being a super hero from 1917. ;)
Just finished watching the 2nd part of "Millenium" (aka "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"). I didn't know they could also make excellent dramas up North. Isn't there anything they can't do? ;)
[url=]Disney does not exclusively make kiddie movies[/url]. The recent part of that list alone includes such items as [i]Dogma[/i] and the very-not-for-kids [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i].
And then there's Starship Troopers...
Just finished watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy and I have to say it's the best conspiracy story I've been fortunate enough to see in a long time. I think I'm now ready for the remake with 007. I'll try to be gentle. ;)