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I've found a time machine

1. Go to the Zocalo thread list.
2. At the bottom of the list, set "last post time" to "The Beginning".
3. Set "sort order" to "Ascending".
4. Click "Show Threads".
5. Watch your past self interact with the past versions of other Firstones.

To complete this task on Legendary difficulty, you must read all of your old posts without realizing that you think completely differently now from when you made the post.

Members who joined two years ago or later are not elegible for receiving any reward for Legendary completion.

EDIT: Trying to interact with your past self (which will appear to people in this timeline as you bumping impossibly old threads) is grounds for immediate disqualification.


  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    I can only imagine that the built-in [B][I]search[/I][/B] feature is going to knock your socks off. :D
  • Yeah, my old postings are embarassing to me usually. Though all the posts I have here aren't all that bad. It's probably a good thing that the board I first posted at ten years ago is gone so my horrendously embarassing first postings are lost in oblivion.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE=Vertigo_1;184363]To complete this task on Legendary difficulty, you must read all of your old posts[/QUOTE]

    That seems like a somewhat unbalanced challenge.
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    Yeah, well, I just found this:

  • I still think the best ever was the HTML thread that inspired my signature.

    I'm certain Drazi Guy, Sanfam, and Biggles will disagree with me on that. But you have to admit, that thread changed the face of firstones forums more than any other. :)
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    we really need some new b5 news to stem the tide of boredom induced threads like this :D lol
  • well, IFH has released a new campaign.

    the B5:X3 mod continues to move along happily.

    The homeworld Mod just got a nice new ship added....
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    Great, well I just wasted a lunch hour...

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