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Ron Moore Interview

I don't know if this has been posted here but did an interview with Ronald D. Moore a few months ago, focusing mainly on his time with Star Trek. I found this to be extremely fascinating and well worth a look.

You can read it, or listen to it via the audio button at the tops of the pages.

[URL=""]Part 1[/URL]

[URL=""]Part 2[/URL]

[URL=""]Part 3[/URL]

I have to say that I think it is sad that he wasn't the creative force behind Voyager from the beginning as it could very well have been the best of all the series, IMHO.



  • JohnnyOnTheSpotJohnnyOnTheSpot Banned by request
    Listened to the whole thing just now. Very interesting on his thoughts about a darker Voyager I definitely agree with that. Its too bad he didn't get to go with his vision but I do like Voyager over DS9 honestly.

    To me DS9 seemed to get too deep into religion. Essentially I saw DS9 as a more watered down version of B5 in the end. Especially when you get towards the Dominion War. I'm surprised actually that B5 wasn't mentioned by either source. There must have been some influence from Babylon 5 on DS9. Like he says about the Roddenberry box if they could have gone deeper into the characters and shown more flaws it would have made both DS9 and Voyager more successful. Lets hope they break the box in the new movie at least.
  • voyager...over....DS9...

    *Blank expression on his face*
    *minutes pass*

    Wha? Oh sorry...Must have blanked out there for a bit...
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    Voyager? Isn't that a Star Trek show with a [I]female[/I] captain... whose name shall not be mentioned here? :D
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Im with Johnny, I recently watched through both, and Voyager is definitely the better of the two.
  • While I respect your opinion, I have to completely disagree.

    Voyager, while entertaining at times, was extremely disappointing to me. The show had about zero character development (except for the Doctor) and was way way way too reliant on cliches and the reset button. By the end I wondered "what was the point"? When I knew that everything was going to work out in the end and never be mentioned again, why should I have cared if a character or the crew went through a different ordeal each week? Voyager's goal was individual hour long action movies. Nothing that came before or after really mattered.

    I think hit the nail on the head in his seventh season recap:

    [I]"In so many ways, 'Endgame' is the ultimate statement for Voyager, the perfect microcosm: It's a great-looking action/adventure outing that can be fun and offer up some interesting sights and even compelling ideas, but it's too often contrived, artificial, unbelievable, and a disappointing cheat to those of us who think the show could and should offer more than the mastery of the superficial. It has skill, but little depth."[/I]

    In fact, all of his season recaps from Voyager basically represents how I felt about the show.
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