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I am from 2047

Hi all.

I was testing the Air Force's prototype time device when I ended up in 2008. (Good year! So much better than 2007.) I'm kind of stuck here, since the device reports conditions will not be ripe for my return to my home time for approximately 13 days.

If memory serves, I rarely, if ever, used this forum account after 2005. I also figure that you guys would be more receptive to my kind of message than the other forums I was registered for in this time period, like [H]ard|OCP or TabletPCReview.

So, if you have any questions, fire away! I have much time on my hands and little to do.

Don't worry about causality - it doesn't work like that.


  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    So the human race makes it to 2047? Damn, I had better rethink my plans.

  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    Yep, like Worf, I was pretty much banking on the world ending in 2012...guess I'm gonna have start adding to my 401K again.

    Oh, and a list of the NCAA Basketball, Superbowl and World Series winners would be really nice for the next 40 years would be really nice.

  • [QUOTE=WORF;170536]So the human race makes it to 2047? Damn, I had better rethink my plans.[/QUOTE]That's not to say there aren't bumps along the way.

    [QUOTE=Freejack;170538]Oh, and a list of the NCAA Basketball, Superbowl and World Series winners would be really nice for the next 40 years would be really nice.[/QUOTE]Look, I really, [i]really[/i] wasn't a sports fan before 2008, and no outside force acted upon me to get me interested in such things in the intervening years.

    Believe me, had I known this was going to work, I would have been prepared with some sort of sports almanac. Thank you Back to the Future II.
  • DarthCaligulaDarthCaligula Elite Ranger
    Did you first go back to the 1970's and pick up some computers for the utopia future you live in?
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    Do we get the second half to season 4 in BSG?
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Do scientists ever manage to pack the time-release taste of a full multi-course thanksgiving dinner into a single pill?

    Ooh! Will there be more B5, and if it any good?
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Where are the damn flying cars?
  • [QUOTE=DarthCaligula;170547]Did you first go back to the 1970's and pick up some computers for the utopia future you live in?[/QUOTE]Very funny. I too remember reading the story of John Titor. The man was either a quack (his explanations of the mechanics of time travel are greatly flawed), or a Canadian spy sent to try and spread dissent agains the US government. Since I strongly doubt that Canada was able to develop time travel before their defeat, I presume the former.[QUOTE=A2597;170548]Do we get the second half to season 4 in BSG?[/QUOTE]Yes! As usual, there will be those who enjoy it and those who will find fault with it if it does not match up with their preconceptions. I am of the former.[QUOTE=Sanfam;170551]Do scientists ever manage to pack the time-release taste of a full multi-course thanksgiving dinner into a single pill?[/quote]No.[QUOTE=Sanfam;170551]Ooh! Will there be more B5, and if it any good?[/QUOTE]Babylon 5 died after the three book trilogies were released. The first two Lost Tales DVDs were [i]okay[/i], but I really don't think it's best if we discuss what came afterward.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Is the new Star Trek movie going to be delayed again? And, on that note, who's the president in 2047?

    Wait, no, stupid question. They might not have even been born yet, so what do I care?
  • DarthCaligulaDarthCaligula Elite Ranger
    I'm amazed that there could be anyone that could believe that stupid John Titor thing. I guess it's the same idiots that think the world's going to end NEXT WEEK at noon.
    Seriously, when I was in high school, I had a teacher who told me about this. Apparently, a few years before I was there, there was some stupid rumor going around among the students that the world was going to end on a certain day soon at noon or something. So the day came and this guy was teaching his class then and all these people in the class were going nuts and panicking because the world was going to end soon, but of course the time came and the world didn't end, so then he said "Now you're gonna WISH the world ended!" I'm not sure what he did after that.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Ok, a few good ones:

    Who wins the presidential election of 2008, and how? (numbers not necessary, but would be nice)

    Do you happen to know what I am doing in the next 40 years?

    Will there ever be a Babylon 5 game?

    Any tips for the future? Stuff to buy which will be worth a fortune etc.
  • [QUOTE=C_Mon;170554]Where are the damn flying cars?[/QUOTE]The only good thing about Ron Paul is that he might have gotten rid of the FAA had he come to power, thus opening the door to flying cars. However, this did not come to pass, so we are still confined to the ground for personal transportation.[QUOTE=David of Mac;170557]Is the new Star Trek movie going to be delayed again?[/quote]No.[QUOTE=David of Mac;170557]And, on that note, who's the president in 2047?[/QUOTE]Andrew Madison Rove[QUOTE=DarthCaligula;170558]I'm amazed that there could be anyone that could believe that stupid John Titor thing.[/QUOTE]The story is rather implausible.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Oooh, another one:

    Does Arnold Schwarzenegger ever get elected president?
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    What happens to Firstones?

    Is the fourth season of Doctor Who garbage because of Catherine Tate?

    How long does David Tennant continue to play The Doctor?

  • [QUOTE=Messiah;170561]Who wins the presidential election of 2008, and how? (numbers not necessary, but would be nice)[/quote]Obama. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of allowing Hillary to be his Vice President. She was eventually linked to his tragic assassination. Fortunately, this took place before either had taken office. Bush declared martial law. At first there was a huge uproar, but how he skillfully and peacefully guided the country away from the brink of civil war served to transform public opinion about him. Ironically, the man is regarded as a hero for the extra term he was never supposed to have. [QUOTE=Messiah;170561]Do you happen to know what I am doing in the next 40 years?[/quote]No.[QUOTE=Messiah;170561]Will there ever be a Babylon 5 game?[/quote]Mods? Too many to number. You guys never give up.

    An actual game? No.[QUOTE=Messiah;170561]Any tips for the future? Stuff to buy which will be worth a fortune etc.[/QUOTE]After the war, maple syrup becomes quite the commodity.[QUOTE=Messiah;170563]Does Arnold Schwarzenegger ever get elected president?[/QUOTE]No. If he gets his hands on this time travel technology, all bets are off.
  • [QUOTE=WORF;170565]What happens to Firstones?[/quote]I think some of you guys still frequent the site. However, a website isn't really the same thing in 2047 we thought of in 2008. Getting used to a monitor and keyboard again was quite odd.[QUOTE=WORF;170565]Is the fourth season of Doctor Who garbage because of Catherine Tate?[/quote]Remember how I wished I'd brought a sports almanac? I'd use as a bookmark the screenshot of a post I once found of you praising her performance in it.

    You're skeptical at first, but you warm up to her.[QUOTE=WORF;170565]How long does David Tennant continue to play The Doctor?[/quote]Too long.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Which war is this now? And how exactly is Canada involved with it?
  • [QUOTE=Sanfam;170571]Which war is this now? And how exactly is Canada involved with it?[/QUOTE]World War III, of course.
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    Hmm.... no flying cars huh? I guess that means no personal jetpacks either?
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    When will we have advanced virtual reality, AI and direct neural interfaces? When will they get rid of these archaic drug laws?
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    Did I start the war?

  • [QUOTE=CurZ;170577]When will we have advanced virtual reality, AI and direct neural interfaces?[/quote]We have AI, but just enough to run some rudimentary robots, nothing sentient. Personally I don't think we'll ever get there.

    No direct neural interfaces.

    As for virtual reality - well, I don't want to spoil too much of the surprise, but I'll just say that the Internet in 2047 will be a real treat for you guys :)[QUOTE=CurZ;170577]When will they get rid of these archaic drug laws?[/QUOTE]I'm not aware of any laws about drugs which are archaic, either in 2008 or 2047.

    The laws on that front are generally the same.[QUOTE=WORF;170578]Did I start the war?[/QUOTE]Not that I know of.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    How far back can you travel? Are the history books being rewritten?
  • [QUOTE=Messiah;170580]How far back can you travel? Are the history books being rewritten?[/QUOTE]We weren't even sure the device worked until I ended up here. I mean, I'm not a physicist or anything, I'm a computer engineer. I was installing the computer interface we'd designed for the thing and boom, I ended up here. I thought the device had been powered down, but there may have been some mixed signals about that.

    So anyway, as far as I know, I'm the first human being to have traveled back in time. It's a bit of a rush, believe me. As for the implications of this? I'm not there yet.

    I do remember having a long conversation with one of the physicists on the team though, and, after he explained to me why the whole dual singularity time machine thing was so implausible, he explained that there's a hard limit on how far back or forward the device can travel back of about 200 years. Whether that's the power source, or the physics, or the device itself, I don't know.
  • How did the B5 like space station work out?
    Were there any nuclear weapons used counting the radiation bombs?
    Did the Iraqis ever get even for the botched invasion?
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Could you provide one or more fact or facts that could be verified against the near-term future (<5 years) to eventually prove your legitimacy as a time traveller?

    Are Bananas a common fruit in your time?

    What happened to the honeybee die-off problems of the present?
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    OK, Vertigo_1, fun's over.

    I have bad news, everyone. Vertigo_1 isn't who he claims to be. He's actually a time criminal from 20[i]5[/i]7. He broke into an Apple store and stole a jTime device, then travelled back here to start WW3 (it seems he has a grudge against Liechtenstein). I've been hanging out here, waiting for his future self to reveal himself, for years.
  • [QUOTE=Chaosed;170585]How did the B5 like space station work out?[/QUOTE]What station?[QUOTE=Chaosed;170585]Were there any nuclear weapons used counting the radiation bombs?[/quote]The effects of the radiation are confined to the areas where the bombs hit. Your garden variety thermonuclear warhead was the weapon of choice.[QUOTE=Chaosed;170585]Did the Iraqis ever get even for the botched invasion?[/QUOTE]Even? They were one of our allies during WWIII, though they did not contribute as much as the nuclear powers did.[QUOTE=Sanfam;170586]Could you provide one or more fact or facts that could be verified against the near-term future (<5 years) to eventually prove your legitimacy as a time traveller?[/quote]Did I not just describe the results of the election?[QUOTE=Sanfam;170586]Are Bananas a common fruit in your time?[/quote]Yes?[QUOTE=Sanfam;170586]What happened to the honeybee die-off problems of the present?[/QUOTE]I'd almost forgotten about that. I guess it was yet another example of the sensationalist media doomsaying for ratings. [QUOTE=Biggles;170588]OK, Vertigo_1, fun's over.

    I have bad news, everyone. Vertigo_1 isn't who he claims to be. He's actually a time criminal from 20[i]5[/i]7. He broke into an Apple store and stole a jTime device, then travelled back here to start WW3 (it seems he has a grudge against Liechtenstein). I've been hanging out here, waiting for his future self to reveal himself, for years.[/QUOTE]If you are what you say you are (which I highly doubt), then you would know that nothing I do can affect what happens in the timeline to which I will be returning. Sure, I could screw with your reality some, but Liechtenstein would still be there when I return to my 2047.

    Hence, why I have no problem describing future events to you. My reality is the only one of consequence.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Does that mean you have no compunction about shooting evil Teal'c if he doesn't immediately renounce Apophis?
  • Well, duh. Didn't you see the goatee?

    I'd like to add that Stargate has a much longer and more successful franchise than Babylon 5. You'll really enjoy the new spinoff series coming.
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