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Sheridan, G'Kar & Franklin's First Meeting

The movie, "In the Beginning" seemed to hint that Franklin and Sheridan first met during the Earth-Minbari War. Yet, the Season 2 episode, "Points of Departure", didn't hint this.

Which is true? How is it that Franklin and Sheridan did not seem to remember each other in 2259? How is it that G'Kar didn't seem to remember Sheridan or Franklin when they first arrived on the station? After all, he was part of the failed peace mission. Please don't use the Minibari mind wipe argument. Don't forget that Earth Alliance probably has some record of the event.


  • JamboJambo Scriptkiddie
    Minbari Mind Wipe.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I would say continuity error, but JMS doesn't usually fall to those.

    Maybe they had the experience blocked out (either by themselves or by the Minbari). Or possibly they just chose to ignore it.
    And what is the minbari wind pipe argument?

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • cornholio1980cornholio1980 Earthforce Officer
    I remember JMS saying once that we did not see how Sheridan and Franklin reacted to seeing each other on the station, wether they said "Welcome! Nice to meet you." or "Hi, nice to see you again, how're you doin'?". They are just together in a scene, without a welcoming or something like that. So actually, we don't know HOW they welcomed each other.

    The same might be true for Sheridan and G'Kar, you can be sure that I'll check about that as soon as I got the season 2 DVD Box [img][/img]


    PS: Found the exact post at the lurkers guide. Here you are:
    "We never see the first time Sheridan and Franklin meet in the second season, and when we do they're hanging out pretty casually, as people who've met each other before might. Bear in mind, also, that there's about 11 years between the two incidents, and at best they were casual acquaintances on one mission."
  • As a certain detective from Law & Order willed it, "You hang around this job long enough, you get acquainted with everybody."

    There are 3 things in life I never forget: my friends, my enemies, and my access codes.
    Never put gasoline in a fire extinguisher.
    "No government, no dictator can hold an imprisioned population by force of arms forever. There is no power in the universe greater than the need for freedom. Against this power, governments and tyrants and armies [i]cannot stand[/i]." - G'Kar, [i]The Long Twighlight Struggle[/i]
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