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10 Questions thread.

Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
I felt like starting this thread for whatever reason i felt like.

These are from the 10 questions off of FilmForce.Ign.Com

first off, jms.

[b]1. What is your favorite piece of music?[/b]

"Where Angels Sing," Meatloaf.

[b]2. What is your favorite film?[/b]


[b]3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?[/b]

The original Twilight Zone.

[b]4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?[/b]

Babylon 5.

[b]5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?[/b]

My adaptation of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for Showtime's Nightmare Classics.

[b]6. What is your favorite book?[/b]

The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

[b]7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?[/b]

Force it to act logically.

[b]8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?[/b]

That I'm aloof or distant. Stage-persona notwithstanding, I'm extremely shy and quiet. Almost painfully shy. People misinterpret that as being above it all or not interested.

[b]9. What is your next project?[/b]

Jeremiah, a new 20-hour dramatic series for Showtime.

[b]10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?[/b]

Forbidden Planet: The Series.

now jerry doyle

1. What is your favorite piece of music?

That depends on where I'm at and what I'm doing – it's tough to beat Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby at Christmas, it's tough to beat Jimmy Buffett in the Bahamas, it's tough to beat Enya on a snowy night in Lake Tahoe, or Tony Bennett in San Francisco. It changes depending on where I am.

2. What is your favorite film?


3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

I would say anything on the cooking channel, Great Chefs of the World on Discovery – I love watching all that stuff. I'm not a regular "Must See TV" kind of guy. I've never gotten into watching a drama. I don't think I've ever seen Seinfeld or Friends. I like to watch A&E, History Channel, Food Network, Discovery, TLC – I like reality-based stuff.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

When I was President of the Easter Seals and concurrently was on the board of the Children's Hospital, and I was raising money and putting programs in place and sending kids off to summer camps, and stuff like that. I still get the biggest resonance from that – the little stuff that I was able to help people to do.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

I would have to say, because of the amount of time that I spent on Babylon 5, I think that that project was cut short – it had many, many more years to go. I think, as it ran, that it was a great show, but it was prematurely taken off the air.

6. What is your favorite book?

I don't read books. It's not that I can't... I just don't. I read a lot of newspapers and magazines. I like bits of information and facts. I'm not a big book reader. I can tell you two books that I've read in my life – one was Moby Dick, and the other was One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

Where it is. There's just too many people, too much traffic, too much nonsense – earthquakes, fires, riots. I think, as far as a quality of life issue goes, people who are shooting in Wilmington, NC and Florida are better off. I would love to shoot a series down here in Florida. God, that would be the best.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

I'm not as short as you think I am on TV. If there's one constant that people say when they meet me, it's, "God, you're a lot taller than I thought." And I always say back to them, "You need a bigger TV." We had a pretty tall cast, and there's a perception that the leading men in Hollywood are short, so when they run into you they expect you're going to fit into that category.

9. What is your next project?

I just finished a movie called Storm Watch with Vuy Ling. I've also got a series that I'm up for – that I'd rather not talk about until it happens, if it happens. I'm also working on the producing side right now with a good producer/director out in L.A. We're putting together a little production company, and we're going to be doing 5 films in about the $5 million dollar range each. We've got three scripts right now that we either own or control, one of which will hopefully be a backdoor pilot – ironically, it's set in Hollywood.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

I want to do a pirate movie. A swashbuckling pirate movie on the open seas. I like the old days of the new frontier, the discovery, the battles, good versus evil... I love it.

now stephen furst

1. What is your favorite piece of music?

I have recently gotten into country music, and I guess my favorite would be the bluegrass piece of Foggy Mountain Breakdown.

2. What is your favorite film?

It is so hard to pick one favorite film, but Annie Hall is right at the top of the list.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

I am a documentary freak, so I watch a lot of Discovery Channel, Court TV and Animal Planet. Just for your information, I think the Pet Psychic is a phony.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

Finally breaking into directing. I would love to be able to continue to direct for the rest of my life.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

I did a film with Michael J Fox that I thought was pretty bad. It was film from Disney called Midnight Madness.

6. What is your favorite book?

Confessions of a Couch Potato, which everyone should buy! OK, I admit it, it's my book!

7. If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be?

That films could be made because of sheer talent and ability and not be so name driven.

8. Who – or what – would you say has had the biggest influence on your career?

I think the Three Stooges. I was always called a stooge when I was younger. People thought they were insulting me, but to me it was one of the highest forms of flattery.

9. What is your next project?

I am promoting my book at the moment and will start a film called The Jester early next year.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

I want to direct a film that I am passionate about.

the cast of B5 LOTR's ten questions.
1. What is your favorite piece of music?

DYLAN NEAL ("DAVID MARTEL"): Too hard to answer.

2. What is your favorite film?

NEAL: Jerry Maguire's up there.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

NEAL: Right now it's Project Greenlight on HBO.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

NEAL: That I've actually made a living doing this for over a decade.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

NEAL: A series I did called Hyperion Bay.

6. What is your favorite book?

NEAL: Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki for non-fiction and for fiction I just read Michael Cunningham's Flesh and Blood and was blown away by his talent.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

NEAL: There's no point in arguing with insanity.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

NEAL: That I'm moody and insufferable... Oh wait, they're right.

9. What is your next project?

NEAL: 40 Days and 40 Nights with Josh Hartnett.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

NEAL: Retire.


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

ALEX ZAHARA ("DULANN"): The instrumental version of "Do You Want to Live Forever," called, "Forever," by Queen, from the Highlander soundtrack.

2. What is your favorite film?

ZAHARA: It's A Wonderful Life.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

ZAHARA: The Practice.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

ZAHARA: My pale Vancouver butt (artificially tanned) being the first bit of nudity on Beggars and Choosers.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

ZAHARA: My grade three Christmas pageant.

6. What is your favorite book?

ZAHARA: Illusions by Richard Bach.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

ZAHARA: I would rebuild the LAND part of the HOLLYWOOD sign that burnt down in the 1920s, I believe, so that it would read HOLLYWOODLAND, once again.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

ZAHARA: I have a public perception?

9. What is your next project?

ZAHARA: I am currently playing Ezekiel on Jeremiah, a series for MGM/Showtime.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

ZAHARA: I would love to work on anything with Kirk Douglas, he has been quite an influence on me.


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

MYRIAM SIROIS ("SARAH CANTRELL"): R&B Soul. At the moment Alicia Keys.

2. What is your favorite film?

SIROIS: The Usual Suspects.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

SIROIS: Friends and Law & Order.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

SIROIS: Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

SIROIS: A short independent film which shall remain nameless.

6. What is your favorite book?

SIROIS: I have two at the moment: At the Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav and Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

SIROIS: Its perception of beauty.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

SIROIS: (laughing) I don't think there are any public perceptions of me at this time.

9. What is your next project?

SIROIS: Don't know yet.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

SIROIS: A dramatic lead or supporting role in film.


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

ENID-RAYE ADAMS ("FIRELL"): I have no clear-cut favorite piece of music, although I am partial to "Islands in the Stream" sung by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. If I'm sitting at home with the boom box going, chances are it will have a little Ella, Molly Johnson, Yo-Yo Ma, Def Leppard or something from the "Foreigner Four" album. Theeeey're Greeeeaat!!!!!

2. What is your favorite film?

ADAMS: Favorite film hands down is It's a Wonderful Life, because it is...

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

ADAMS: I have no favorite TV program but I would clear my schedule for Hockey Night in Canada.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

ADAMS: My most important professional accomplishment to date has been paying my rent. I enjoy that. Giving up waitressing and making a living as an actor doing interesting projects has been my goal come true.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

ADAMS: I'd rather not say. I try and find the positive in everything (barf barf). But I do. Life is
nicer that way (again, barf barf).

6. What is your favorite book?

ADAMS: Favorite book is Welcome to the World Baby Girl by Fanny Flagg.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

ADAMS: I would change nothing about Hollywood. I would just try and stay as far away from it as possible.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

ADAMS: If I could change one public perception of me...uh... I don't think the public knows about me.

9. What is your next project?

ADAMS: My next project is learning to play the guitar so that I can strum some Beatles tunes.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

ADAMS: The one project I would like to do is: a polyester plaid wearing heroine who has somehow really f***ed up in life but is turning things around, with the assistance of a trusty steed, a sword and a pair of "sorels" (of course the whole thing would have to shoot in Italy...).


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

WARREN T. TAKEUCHI ("KITARO SASAKI"): There are many favorite musical songs and tunes that I have enjoyed over the span of my life so far to date. The one particular play of music that really hit a cord with me is a piece that I have heard many, many versions over the years since discovering it. I discovered the music in a film called Guilty by Suspicion starring Robert De Niro. I am not sure if the correct source of origin is the artist that was credited with the music on the film, but here it is:
"It Never Entered My Mind"
- Written by Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart
- Performed by George Shearing courtesy of Concord Jazz Inc.

2. What is your favorite film?

TAKEUCHI: Star Wars.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

TAKEUCHI: Happy Days and Family Ties (past). CNN and documentaries/ biographies (current).

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

TAKEUCHI: Convincing J. Michael Straczynski to hire me as "Kitaro Sasaki" in Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

TAKEUCHI: On a personal, professional level as a project that I have worked on – NONE. On a level as an audience member – Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story.

6. What is your favorite book?

TAKEUCHI: Books by Roald Dahl, more specifically Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. These two magnificent tales made a big impact on me growing up.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

TAKEUCHI: Using the TV/Film medium more so as a creative, positive influence opposed to just mindless escapism.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

TAKEUCHI: I can't answer this question at the moment as I have not garnered such a level of recognition in the industry in order to have a public perception of myself.

9. What is your next project?

TAKEUCHI: Possibly some independent Canadian feature films. Tentatively speaking at this point in time.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

TAKEUCHI: A movie similar to Shogun. I have always wanted to play a Japanese Samurai warrior. I also would like to play "Kato" (Bruce Lee) from The Green Hornet.


1. What is your favorite piece of music?

GUS LYNCH ("TIRK"): Hah! Impossible to limit it to one. It's all in the context. I will say this: Tom Waits is the coolest man on the face of the planet; The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion are the saviors of rock and roll; lately I can't seem to get Ryan Adams out of my CD player.

2. What is your favorite film?

LYNCH: Again, impossible to pin down. I can't get enough Coen Brothers. Big Lebowski is a masterpiece. I'm also one of the world's biggest Albert Brooks fans. As far as sci-fi goes, I guess my favorite in the genre would be The Navigator. Vincent Ward makes beautiful films.

3. What is your favorite TV program, past or current?

LYNCH: Another favorite question? Sigh. Family Guy is the funniest thing on TV right now. Seinfeld was the tightest show ever, top to bottom. I also have a big soft spot for the first season of Murder One.

4. What do you feel has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

LYNCH: Well, I figure every gig I land is the most important to date. Obviously if Rangers goes to series it would be my proudest moment, both as a performer and a fan.

5. Which project do you feel didn't live up to what you envisioned?

LYNCH: My Bob Fosse-style musical adaptation of the Old Testament never really came off as well as I'd hoped.

6. What is your favorite book?

LYNCH: George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire is a favorite. Stephen Erikson's Deadhouse Gates is amazing. Anything by P.G. Wodehouse, Iain Banks, or Harlan Ellison will do just fine.

7. If you could change one thing about Hollywood, what would it be?

LYNCH: I would make 20 lbs. overweight the standard for male sex symbols.

8. If you could change one public perception of yourself, what would it be?

LYNCH: I'd have to be perceived publicly first.

9. What is your next project?

LYNCH: I'm gearing up to work with Jason Lee later this month in the film It's a Guy Thing. Beyond that, well shoot, I hope my next project is playing Tirk in the new Babylon 5 series, Legend of the Rangers.

10. What is the one project that you've always wanted to do, but have yet to be able to?

LYNCH: I hope to play MacBeth eventually. Falstaff would also be a dream. Caliban in "The Tempest" would be nice. Of course, I would want to play all these parts in the full Drazi makeup.

heres a link to a extensive interview with jms [url=""][/url]

stephen furst [url=""][/url]

peter jurasik [url=""][/url]

i was very very very very bored.

[This message has been edited by Rogue Trader (edited 11-24-2002).]


  • No classical music as a favorite? Hmm, that was kind of unexpected.
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